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AfD delegate bites the leg of a demonstrator

During the protests against the AfD party conference in Essen on Saturday, AfD delegate Stefan Hrdy clashed with demonstrators at a roadblock and bit one of them on the leg. He speaks of self-defense.

There were several incidents at the AfD protests in Essen
There were several incidents at the AfD protests in Essen

Protests in Essen - AfD delegate bites the leg of a demonstrator

Around the AfD party conference in Essen, there were numerous demonstrations on Saturday. The police had their hands full: 28 police officers were injured. However, there were injured demonstrators as well. One of them suffered an especially peculiar injury, as he was bitten by an AfD delegate.

The "Bild" newspaper has a video of the incident. AfD delegate Stefan Hrdy drives into a blocked off street section with demonstrators. His further progress is not possible. He then gets out and starts filming the demonstrators, approaching them as he does so. When the demonstrators recognize him, they run towards him to block his way and form a barricade in front of the delegates.

AfD-Delegate Falls to the Ground and Bites Immediately

Hrdy marches straight into the barricade of demonstrators, then it becomes clear that he falls. In a flash, he wraps his arms around the leg of another falling demonstrator and bites him. Screams from the crowd can be heard, the bitten man pulls up his trouser leg in shock and exclaims: "He bit me." Bite marks are visible. A police officer on the scene then resolves the situation.

In response to the "Bild" inquiry about the incident, the politician states: "Someone kicked me in the back of the leg, I fell, and then there were three or four people on me. The man I then bit in self-defense had hit me in the face first. Then the police came and freed me." His statement does not match the video recording. When Hrdy grabs for the leg, no one is visible lying on him.

Stefan Hrdy is 67 years old and a former elite policeman from the GSG9 unit. According to his own statements, he was involved in the rescue of the passenger plane "Landshut" in Mogadishu in 1977.

The Police investigated the incident at the AfD party conference, linking it to the bustling protests. The news of Stefan Hrdy's actions during the confrontation, as captured by the Bild newspaper, caused a stir within the AfD.

Despite Hrdy's version of events, the video evidence shows a different sequence of events, raising questions about his account of the incident.

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