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AfD and BSW backers are opposed to aiding Ukraine.

Insufficient or excessive?

Ukrainian President Zelensky is currently on a state visit to Berlin - here at the Ukraine Recovery...
Ukrainian President Zelensky is currently on a state visit to Berlin - here at the Ukraine Recovery Conference at the Berlin Congress Center.

AfD and BSW backers are opposed to aiding Ukraine.

For quite some time now, the general consensus in Germany has been to support Ukraine in its conflict with Russia. The latest findings from a Forsa survey for RTL/ntv-Trendbarometer indicate that this trend persists. However, the level of support for providing aid to Ukraine has reached an all-time high.

According to the survey, 31% of Germans think the current level of German aid to Ukraine is too high. In comparison, 24% believe it's not enough. The majority, with 41%, consider the current level of aid as just right.

Since Russia's attack on Ukraine back in February 2022, a vast majority has consistently supported the nation in its fight for freedom. But the rejection of assistance has also been on the rise as the aid continues to expand. The present figure of 31% of Germans thinking that Ukraine is receiving too much aid is the highest figure recorded.

The respondents who believe the government should do more to support Ukraine are disproportionately represented among the supporters of the Greens and the FDP. Conversely, the SPD supporter's majority opinion is that the aid's size is adequate. The Union's supporters align with the overall sentiment of Germans. An unusually large proportion of AfD and BSW supporters think the government is putting in too much effort for Ukraine. This mindset is also prevalent among East German citizens.

This data was gathered by Forsa, a market and opinion research institute on behalf of RTL Germany, from June 7th and 10th, 2022. The sample consisted of 1007 respondents. The margin of error is around 3 percentage points.

For more information on the data collection company, Forsa, check out their website: Forsa conducts surveys for RTL Germany.

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