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ADAC warns of traffic jams over the weekend

With the start of holidays in South Germany, according to ADAC, massive traffic jams are threatening. More time should be planned on these roads.

The ADAC expects long jams for the coming weekend (pictogram)
The ADAC expects long jams for the coming weekend (pictogram)

Transport traffic - ADAC warns of traffic jams over the weekend

Travelers are estimated by ADAC to be facing one of the worst traffic weekends of the season this week. This is due to Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria starting their holidays last, as well as a second wave of travelers from the north expected by the Traffic Club.

Those who do not want to spend their journey in a traffic jam should therefore travel between Tuesday and Thursday. The Autobahns with the highest risk of traffic jams in both directions, according to ADAC, are reportedly in the metropolitan areas of Hamburg, Cologne and Munich. With most forced stops, one should expect them at construction sites where the lanes are reduced or particularly long.

Border controls abroad may prolong travel

Due to border controls at several locations, such as Poland and the Czech Republic, travelers may have to reckon with delays of up to an hour at the borders to Greece and Turkey with several hours.

The journey may especially be longer in Austria on the Tauern-, Fernpass-, Inntal-, Brenner-, Karawanken-, Pyhrn- and Gotthard-routes, as well as on roads to the coasts, and towards Scandinavia and the Netherlands.

  1. Despite the predicted traffic chaos, a group of friends decided to start their vacation in Berlin, Germany, eager to explore the city's rich history.
  2. Upon hearing about the potential traffic issues, they decided to take the train instead of driving, avoiding the expected traffic obstruction on the Autobahns.
  3. After their weekend in Berlin, they planned to visit Bavaria and Southern Germany, hoping for smoother traffic on their journey.
  4. Unfortunately, they learned about the expected traffic jam on the roads leading to Bavaria from ADAC's updates, which could potentially delay their trip.
  5. Determined not to let the traffic jam ruin their vacation, they decided to leave on a Friday afternoon for their journey from Berlin, aiming to reach their destination before the weekend rush.
  6. Despite leaving early, they encountered a traffic jam near Nuremberg, which they later found out was due to unexpected construction work on the A3.
  7. With a newfound appreciation for travel during off-peak hours, they resolved to avoid such traffic jams in the future, vowing to travel during weekdays whenever possible on their future journeys.

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