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Activists smear Bremen Town Musicians with paint

Request to the mayor

In the meantime, most of the black paint has been removed from the statue.
In the meantime, most of the black paint has been removed from the statue.

Activists smear Bremen Town Musicians with paint

On the street, the "Last Generation" no longer want to stick around, but it seems that Climate activists have not sworn off paint attacks. In Bremen, they are now targeting the city's most famous landmark. The CDU intends to bill them for the cleaning costs.

Environmental activists have covered the Statue of the Bremen Town Musicians with black paint in Bremen. Witnesses understood in the afternoon that the police encountered three activists near the statue, holding up posters of the "Last Generation."

The fire department was able to remove most of the paint, according to a police statement. Three reports of damage to property and violations of the Assembly Law have been filed against the activists. The police are investigating.

According to a report from Radio Bremen, environmental activists are demanding that Bremen's Mayor Andreas Bovenschulte read a declaration from the group, which was handed over to his office on June 27, at a public press conference. This is stated in a message that the "buten un binnen" editorial team has.

The Bremen CDU described the action as senseless vandalism. The damage to cultural monuments harms every well-intentioned goal at least. At least the costs of the operation should be charged to the activists.

The "Last Generation" group, known for their climate activism, is not limited to paint attacks within their own country. Their actions have extended internationally, as evidenced by the paint incident in Bremen.

The fire department, in its efforts to preserve Bremen's cultural heritage, worked diligently to remove the black paint from the Statue of the Bremen Town Musicians.

Despite the CDU's condemnation of the act as senseless vandalism, environmental activists continue to advocate for their cause, demanding a public hearing with Bremen's Mayor Andreas Bovenschulte.

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