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Activists fear deforestation for Tesla - land denies

In the forest near Brandenburg's Tesla Factory, environmental activists protest against an expansion of the Autobahn builders. Bomb searches are also being conducted there. The land denies the suspicion.

Environmental activists fear the beginning of felling for Tesla (archival image)
Environmental activists fear the beginning of felling for Tesla (archival image)

Tesla-Protest - Activists fear deforestation for Tesla - land denies

The Environmental activists of the initiative "Tesla stop" express concern that near the factory in Grünheide near Berlin, trees are being cut down for the planned expansion of the electric car manufacturer Tesla. "We are shocked that we were not informed and that they are starting to destroy the forest", said a spokeswoman of the initiative. The forest has not been sold to Tesla yet.

The Brandenburg Environmental Ministry dismissed the concern. The trees, which are disturbing for the search for munitions, will only be cut down on the surface, said Ministry spokeswoman Frauke Zelt to the German Press Agency. That is not deforestation. "There is no interference with the soil and roots, the stem base remains unchanged."

Tree houses and tents against the expansion

In the Brandenburg forest near the Tesla factory, activists and activists have been protesting against the planned expansion of the company's premises since the end of February. They are protesting with a small settlement of tree houses and tents. Tesla plans to build a freight yard and logistics areas.

At a citizen consultation in Grünheide in February, a clear majority had turned against the expansion. Tesla wants to bring more cargo onto the railroad with the expansion and thus relieve traffic in the region.

Near the Tesla factory, a bomb from the Second World War was discovered and controlled detonated in June. Experts later also found containers with an unknown chemical substance in the forest.

The automaker with around 12,000 employees in Grünheide also plans to increase production on the existing site. Several applications for an environmental permit for the first part of construction work have already received preliminary approval from the State Environmental Office.

  1. The "Tesla stop" initiative, based in Berlin's Green Heath, has been vocal about the planned expansion of Tesla's Automobile industry in Grünheide, expressing concern over the potential deforestation.
  2. Despite the concerns raised by eco-activists in Germany about the Tesla Factory's proposed expansion in Brandenburg, the Environmental Ministry has dismissed the issue, stating that only surface-level trees will be affected.
  3. A gathering of activists and activists has been established near the Tesla Factory in Brandenburg, protesting against the planned expansion with tree houses and tents.
  4. In a citizen consultation held in Grünheide earlier this year, a majority opposed the expansion of Tesla's factory, citing concerns over increased cargo traffic and potential environmental impact.
  5. In a recent development near the Tesla Factory, a bomb from World War II was discovered and safely detonated, while subsequent searches revealed containers containing an unknown chemical substance in the forest.

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