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Activists are paralyzing the airport - harsher penalties demanded

Climate activists glue themselves onto a runway and disrupt flight traffic in Cologne/Bonn during summer holidays. The federal government intends to toughen penalties for such actions.

Three people were stuck on a tracks according to the police.
Three people were stuck on a tracks according to the police.

Last Generation - Activists are paralyzing the airport - harsher penalties demanded

After a three-day blockade of Cologne/Bonn Airport by Climate activists, calls for harsher penalties have grown louder. "Anyone who forcefully enters Airports, occupies runways, and blocks machines endangers human lives," said Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) to the Funke Media Group newspapers. The Bundestag must now quickly pass the planned amendment to the Aviation Security Law. "With the introduction of sentences of up to 5 years in prison for entering airports, we are giving judges the necessary tools to make appropriate rulings," Wissing said.

Five Activists Glued to the Runway

Climate activists had paralyzed air traffic at Cologne/Bonn Airport for approximately three hours in the morning. Around 25 flights were affected, according to an airport spokesperson. Only after the police had removed all five activists from the runway, on which they had glued themselves, could the air traffic be released again around 9:00 a.m.

A criminal complaint has been filed due to violations of the Assembly Law, dangerous interference in air traffic, and trespassing, a police spokeswoman said. The investigation must determine how the activists specifically reached the area.

International Protest Campaign

The group Last Generation reported that several activists had torn through a fence and glued themselves to the asphalt near the runways. Via the network X, the group reported that the action was part of an international protest campaign that demands an exit from fossil energy sources by 2030. The protest was to take place simultaneously at airports in more than ten countries, it was reported.

The Airports Association ADV criticized the action as "criminal." "Each of these actions causes flight cancellations and delays - and that during the summer holidays," ADV Managing Director Ralph Beisel told the media. "Today's incident shows that the cabinet decision from last week must be implemented as soon as possible. It requires serious criminal consequences for this behavior."

Federal Government Brings Bill to Parliament

The Federal Government wants to prevent radical climate protectors and other disruptors from endangering civil aviation with a reform of the Aviation Security Law, which the Bundestag must then decide on. The core of the planned reform is the creation of a new provision that penalizes "premeditated, unauthorized entry" not only onto the runway but also onto the start and landing strips - and that, if the safety of civil aviation is thereby impaired.

The Police Union (GdP) demanded that this be implemented promptly. The danger to aviation from the blockades is immense, said the chairman of the GdP Federal Police Division, Andreas Roßkopf, in the "Rheinische Post."

  1. Following the incident at Cologne/Bonn Airport, there have been calls from various quarters for the German Federal Parliament to expedite the passage of the proposed amendment to the Aviation Security Law.
  2. The Federal Transport Minister, Volker Wissing (FDP), asserted that individuals who forcefully enter airports, occupy runways, and block machinery endanger human lives, emphasizing the need for stringent penalties.
  3. The incident at Cologne/Bonn Airport, where five Climate activists glued themselves to the runway, resulted in the disruption of approximately 25 flights, causing significant inconvenience to passengers.
  4. The Funke Media Group, a prominent German media group, reported on theactions of the activists, who were part of the group Last Generation, which advocates for an exit from fossil energy sources by 2030.
  5. The Federal Government, in an effort to safeguard civil aviation, has proposed a reform of the Aviation Security Law, which includes penalizing premeditated, unauthorized entry not only onto the runway but also onto the start and landing strips, impairing aviation safety.
  6. In an international protest campaign, Climate activists were reported to have torn through a fence and glued themselves to the asphalt near the runways at several airports worldwide, demanding an exit from fossil energy sources by 2030.
  7. Criticizing the actions of the activists, the ADV (Airports Association) highlighted the disruption caused to flight schedules during the summer holidays, urging the prompt implementation of serious consequences for such disruptive behavior.

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