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Activist to Persist with Hunger Strike: Addresses Clinic Visit

Climate activists in Berlin have been pressing Chancellor Scholz for a government statement, carrying out a hunger strike for weeks. One protester admitted to the hospital following a collapse returns to the protest.

This week, 49-year-old Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick was taken to hospital. The reason was a circulatory...
This week, 49-year-old Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick was taken to hospital. The reason was a circulatory collapse after 89 days on hunger strike, it was reported.

Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick: Changing the Game. - Activist to Persist with Hunger Strike: Addresses Clinic Visit

Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick, a climate activist, is determined to continue his hunger strike even after a visit to the hospital. His campaign, "Hunger until you're honest," made this announcement on Tuesday morning. The 49-year-old was admitted to the hospital the day before due to a circulatory collapse after 89 days of fasting. However, he quickly recovered in the hospital after receiving an electrolyte solution and went back to the demonstrators' camp at the Federal Ministry of Economics in Berlin.

Metzeler-Kick stated, "I had made up my mind long ago: If I went to the hospital, I would continue to fast when I got out. I will continue to fast until Scholz finally says what's true: There is no remaining carbon dioxide budget left." Metzeler-Kick and three other fasting protesters want the Chancellor to make a public declaration stating, among other things, that the current level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is lethal and there are no more carbon dioxide credits left. They are calling for drastic changes in policies to prioritize environmental protection.

Scholz implored the fasting activists to end their strike recently, citing his commitment to addressing climate change. Despite this, he did not provide specific details on the protesters' demands.

Metzeler-Kick began his fast on March 7th, and his companions joined him throughout the following days. He had drunk some form of juice every day during the first 78 days, and afterwards, he stopped consuming carbohydrates but still drank fluids.

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