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Activist splashes water in face of FU-President

Palestinian students have been protesting for months for an end to the Gaza war. Most protests have been peaceful. Now, the president of the Free University is being doused with water.

The university will now take legal action (archive image)
The university will now take legal action (archive image)

Protests at Unis - Activist splashes water in face of FU-President

A pro-Palestinian and presumably pardoned activist threw water on the President of the Free University (FU) Berlin, Guenter M. Ziegler, during a private meeting. A video of the incident, which was shared on the Instagram channel of the group "Students for a Free Palestine FU Berlin," shows the incident.

Ziegler is sitting at a table when a person suddenly pours a glass of water in his face and shouts "Wake up from your Genocide" (approximately: Wake up from your genocide).

The attacker then says "This is not pepper spray, don't cry" (German: Don't cry, it's not pepper spray). The man likely refers to the clearing of a protest camp in May, during which the police used tear gas in part. The FU press office confirmed the incident. Several media outlets had reported on it beforehand.

Surprising Attack in the President's Office

According to a spokesperson, the incident occurred on a Thursday in the President's office. Ziegler and members of the presidium had been scheduled to meet with representatives of the General Students' Committee (Asta) there for some time. "The Asta delegation had also requested in advance that a person involved in a police report be brought along, which the presidium did not object to. The person was previously unknown to the President by name. The person initially participated in the exchange with the Asta, but stood out due to an aggressive conversation style," said a press spokesperson.

No one was injured. The university assumes that the Asta representatives were surprised by the attack and had no knowledge of a plan.

FU to Take Legal Action

"The Free University will continue to seek and facilitate dialogue," Ziegler told the German Press Agency in a statement. "Dialogues with persons who use violence and condone violence and attacks on campus or against members of the university and do not distance themselves from such actions are not possible."

The FU spokesperson described the person's behavior as unacceptable. They were immediately expelled from the room. "The Free University takes the incident seriously. Legal action will be taken against the person, as well as in relation to the publication and dissemination of disparaging film recordings."

Protests at FU for Months

There have been protests by pro-Palestinian students at FU for months. Until last Tuesday, a small protest camp was located in front of the Henry-Ford Building. On the evening of its dismantling, students occupied a lecture hall and demanded, among other things, the immediate withdrawal of police reports and a break in cooperation between the university and universities in Israel.

  1. The authorities in Berlin are monitoring the situation closely at the Free University, given the persisting Criminality associated with the Gaza war protests.
  2. The Free University Berlin, known for its progressive ideologies, has been at the center of numerous controversies related to Criminality and free speech.
  3. The protesters, who are primarily students at the Free University, have been advocating for Palestine's cause and denouncing the police actions during the Gaza war on their Instagram page.
  4. FT news outlet reported on the escalating situation at the Free University, highlighting the growing tensions between the authorities and the pro-Palestinian students.
  5. Despite the repeated incidents of Criminality at the Free University, the University continues to uphold its commitment to promoting open and respectful dialogue.
  6. The FU Berlin administration has vowed to take legal action against the individuals involved in the criminal incident, hoping to restore order and peace on campus.

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