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Activist found guilty of promoting hatred against vaccination

Fine amounting to 4000 euros

Comparisons to the Holocaust have been made several times at anti-vaccination demonstrations.
Comparisons to the Holocaust have been made several times at anti-vaccination demonstrations.

Activist found guilty of promoting hatred against vaccination

During protests against the German government's Corona vaccination efforts, some individuals drew comparisons to the Holocaust. As a result, a person who distributed a controversial caricature now faces legal repercussions.

The Cologne District Court has fined a 64-year-old man 4000 euros for inciting hatred. The court's spokesperson explained that this sentence was given because the man distributed a caricature online.

The prosecution alleged that the defendant shared an image in April 2020 on social media. The caricature depicted a concentration camp gate, with the phrase "Impfen macht frei" (vaccination makes you free) above it, reminiscent of the well-known "Arbeit macht frei" (work sets you free) inscription at Auschwitz. According to the prosecution, Bill Gates and a Chinese person were depicted in the background, making the image "The Point of the Coronawitz." The verdict was delivered on Wednesday.

The Corona restrictions and federal government's vaccination campaign since 2021 have led anti-vaccination activists to make several such comparisons to National Socialism. These individuals donned striped prisoner garments or armbands to liken themselves to the Jews persecuted and killed by the National Socialists.

Read also:

The international community has expressed concern over the incitement to hatred against Corona vaccination, particularly in light of the Corona crisis. Despite the legal repercussions, anti-vaccination activists continue to make comparisons between Corona vaccination and the dark history of National Socialism, which is widely condemned.

