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Accessible and straightforward: why Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is the main victor

Italy's government dominates European elections: Giorgia Meloni holds more power within the coalition compared to her partners, enabling her to spearhead constitutional changes. She may also hold significant sway in Brussels.

Emerges stronger from the election: Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni
Emerges stronger from the election: Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni

Upcoming European elections - Accessible and straightforward: why Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is the main victor

Late at night, following the closure of polling stations, a beaming Giorgia Meloni appeared on social media in a pink shirt, making the victory sign with her middle and index fingers: "Thank you. Brothers of Italy is now Italy's strongest party. We exceeded our parliamentary election results." As prime minister, she'd served for nearly two years, and publicly declared her ambition to match her 26% election result.

Following her surprising 29% victory in the European election, she had relied solely on her charm to win votes, urging Italians to just write "Giorgia" on their ballots.

The Everyday Leader Grows in Popularity

The amicable and frank Meloni, still appearing down-to-earth after 20 months in power, has gained the favor of the Italians despite all the concerns. Her increased electoral support showed her growing influence in the coalition, particularly against her coalition rival Matteo Salvini.

The vice-premier unsuccessfully strived to win more conservative votes by promoting the homophobic, racist general Vannacci. A different scenario with her second partner, Antonio Tajani from Forza Italia. They once believed Berlusconi's party was extinct. However, the restrained Tajani emerged from Berlusconi's shadow and emerged as a moderate party leader. Tajani's electoral achievements boosted Meloni's standing in Europe.

In Brussels, Meloni gained respect for giving her voters the impression of Italy being a serious European player. Her emphasis on supporting Ukraine, NATO, and the EU has made her a dependable diplomat. Meloni, with limited allies other than the AfD, could potentially play a mediating role between European Christians and right-wing parties.

Moreover, Meloni could leverage her influence to advance migratory policies: refining borders and negotiating agreements with nations of origin and transit to curtail unlawful immigration. Even the idea of asylum facilities and deportation centers in Albania for boat refugees is under consideration.

Domestically, the success of Meloni's election campaign enhances her incentives to implement her controversial reforms. One includes the justice reform, criticized for intervening in judicial autonomy. It aligns with right-wing governments' tradition; Berlusconi also alienated the judiciary. Meloni argues that Italian judges are dependent and left-leaning, therefore, she intends to introduce psychological evaluations for candidates vying for the role of public prosecutor and judge.

In addition, Meloni aims to implement a constitutional amendment granting her more authority as prime minister. Her main aim: The prime minister should be elected directly by the people, who can remove the government through a no-confidence vote. If that happens, the prime minister can demand parliamentary dissolution and new elections. By the conclusion of the legislative term, she intends to push for the constitutional amendment, aiming for a re-election by the populace. Following the European election, it seems her likelihood of success is promising.

Hence, Meloni's political career seems set for a potentially positive change at the core of European politics.

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Giorgia Meloni's electoral victory in the European elections was a significant milestone, securing 29% of the votes for Brothers of Italy. As the Prime Minister of Italy, Meloni has been advocating for a stronger Italy within the EU, supporting Ukraine and NATO.

Meloni's victory in the European elections has boosted her standing in Europe, with her Europartner Antonio Tajani from Forza Italia contributing to her success. Her influence in Europe has also positioned her to potentially mediate between European Christians and right-wing parties.

Following her election victory, Meloni's political agenda in Italy includes implementing controversial reforms, such as intervening in judicial autonomy and introducing psychological evaluations for judicial candidates. She also aims to enhance her authority as prime minister through a constitutional amendment, allowing for direct popular election and removal through a no-confidence vote.

