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Abundant sunlight, yet not uniformly distributed

Potentially, there might be some rainfall incidents in the western regions within the near future.
Potentially, there might be some rainfall incidents in the western regions within the near future.

Abundant sunlight, yet not uniformly distributed

Germany's weather is split. The eastern part enjoys consistent sun and mild temperatures thanks to "Werner", while the western half is repeatedly impacted by the edges of low-pressure areas. Met Meteorologist Pscherer explains the Bohemian wind's role. currently sees autumn displaying its calmer, predominantly sunny, and mild side. Will it continue?

Martin Pscherer: Regrettably, not universally. At least in the west, clouds have started to spread and light showers are present in some places. However, it's mainly just drizzle. The east and southeast retain the proximity of our high-pressure system "Werner", resulting in abundant sunshine. Temperatures remain mild to extremely mild, reaching up to 24 degrees in the south. Even the traditionally chilly north experiences a temperature rise to comfortable 17 degrees. However, the Erzgebirge remains at a cool 15 degrees due to the Bohemian wind.

What is the Bohemian wind?

The Bohemian wind is a cold autumn gust that sweeps in at the edge of the Bohemian Basin, affecting eastern Bavaria and Saxony in this instance. Fundamentally, the Bohemian Basin fills with cold air when a high exists over eastern Europe, much like our current situation. This chill moves to Bavaria via northeasterly winds and to Saxony via southerly winds. Since the air is colder and denser than the surrounding air, the wind accelerates significantly after crossing mountain ranges, reaching gale-force conditions occasionally, even reaching hurricane intensity.

What's in store for us, paying heed to the upcoming weekend?

In essence, the weather will remain divided, with the east experiencing pleasant and dry autumn weather while the west interacts with the edges of low-pressure systems. Consequently, we can expect altering conditions from the Upper Rhine to the North Sea. A weekend outing is still possible with persistently short showers and occasional sun breaks. Furthermore, no cold front is anticipated. Instead, mild to extremely mild temperatures continue to make their way between western Europe's lows and eastern Europe's highs, benefiting not only us but also northern regions.

What does that mean?

Despite the lower temperatures, Scandinavia experiences milder-than-usual temperatures of 10 to 15 degrees, and even northern regions sport at least 5 to 10 degrees beyond the norm. This represents an approximately 10-degree deviation from the long-term average. However, weather conditions will remain changeable with frequent short showers.

What about popular Mediterranean vacation spots?

In Greece and Turkey, the sun still shines beautifully with temperatures between 20 and 25 degrees. Sea temperatures remain around 25 degrees, ensuring decent swimming conditions. Portugal and Spain experience a decrease in intense downpours, and temperatures are generally balanced. However, rain still poses a threat. Southern France, Italy, and the Balkans face widespread heavy showers and thunderstorms, with up to 100 liters per square meter possible by Sunday evening, even reaching 200 liters per square meter in certain areas, resulting in a potential risk of flooding and landslides.

Revisiting Germany: Half of meteorological autumn, or September 1 to November 30, has now passed. What does the preliminary report indicate?

Consistent with previous years, autumn has been warmer than usual, registering 1.3 degrees above the 1961-1990 reference period. Rainfall has also been more abundant, as anticipated given the recent flood events. Regional disparities are significant, and it's worth noting that annual rainfall targets have already been surpassed. This ensures that any further rainfall through the end of the year will be considered excess, ensuring that 2023 will be another excessively wet year. The sunshine duration has likewise been generous, offering plenty of opportunity for additional sunny occasions.

Let's assess the winter outlook based on the models. What do they suggest?

Generally speaking, the forecasts predict average wet and mild winter conditions. However, these predictions are far from conclusive, and uncertainties remain substantial. Winter enthusiasts can remain optimistic, as fleeting cold air intrusions with the possibility of snow are already appearing in the models.

The Commission has been closely monitoring the weather patterns in Germany, particularly the impact of the Bohemian wind on the eastern and western regions. Unfortunately, the western half of Germany is experiencing clouds and light showers, with some places experiencing drizzle, while the east continues to enjoy abundant sunshine and mild to extremely mild temperatures.

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