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About two-thirds concerned about EU security

A large part of the people in Europe express concern about EU safety according to a survey. Despite this, most look towards the future of the EU optimistically.

More than two-thirds of EU citizens are concerned about security in Europe.
More than two-thirds of EU citizens are concerned about security in Europe.

Survey among EU citizens - About two-thirds concerned about EU security

Approximately two-thirds of EU citizens are concerned about the safety of the European Union. Around 47% of the Europeans surveyed expressed being "quite concerned" about the EU's security in the next five years, while approximately 17% stated they were "very concerned". According to a survey conducted on behalf of the European Commission, the greatest security concerns were expressed by people in Portugal (77%). In Germany, 54% of the interviewees indicated they were "quite" or "very" concerned about the EU's security.

More than 25,000 EU citizens aged 15 and above were surveyed online by the market research institute Ipsos between late June and early July for the supposedly representative study.

An optimistic outlook on the EU's future

The survey suggests that approximately 58% of European women and men have a generally optimistic view of the EU's future. Around 37% of the respondents hold a more pessimistic view.

Approximately half (50%) of the EU citizens surveyed view the war in Ukraine as the current greatest challenge for the EU. Forty-one percent of the interviewees listed irregular migration as one of the current major challenges. Environmental issues and climate change were identified as concerns by around one-third (35%) of the respondents. The responses from German interviewees were almost identical to the EU average.

Environment and migration at the top of the priority list

When it comes to the issues the EU should prioritize, the survey respondents most frequently mentioned the environment and climate change (33%) and irregular migration (also 33%). Following closely were security and defense (29%), and the war in the Ukraine (25%).

Regarding the EU economy's performance in the next five years, opinions among EU citizens differ. Around half (50%) of the respondents are confident, while 45% are skeptical.

The European Union's ecological concerns are also notable, with environmental issues and climate change being identified as problems by around one-third of EU citizens, including those from Germany. In Brussels, the heart of the European Union, the importance of addressing these ecological challenges is undoubtedly recognized. The future of European Society greatly relies on collective efforts in mitigating these environmental threats, while also tackling other pressing issues like migration and security. The war in Ukraine, for instance, currently constitutes a significant challenge for the EU, as half of the surveyed citizens believe. Portugal, however, stands out as the European nation with the most concerns about the EU's security.

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