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A9 traffic resumes: obstructed pathway is now cleared in direction of Munich.

Inundations updated live.

Babenhausen residents are rescued with rubber dinghies.
Babenhausen residents are rescued with rubber dinghies.

A9 traffic resumes: obstructed pathway is now cleared in direction of Munich.

The partially closed A9 highway in Upper Bavaria due to a dam burst is now open for traffic. However, there's a form of traffic control set up heading toward Munich, says a police representative. Currently, only 300 vehicles can travel on the stretch between Ingolstadt-South and Langenbruck heading south, then the road will be closed for a certain period of time. The reason for this action can't be disclosed at the moment. The A9 going to Nuremberg, on the other hand, has been open since early morning. "Important note: This could change again!" cautions the police.

1:17 p.m.: Solidarity is needed nowFederal Chancellor Olaf Scholz states during his visit to the Bavarian flood area that assistance is required. "Nature's forces are immense," says the SPD politician in Reichertshofen south of Ingolstadt. Solidarity is crucial right now. It requires aid from the federal government too. Numerous emergency services are already on the scene, including the Bundeswehr. Scholz thanks all helpers and recalls a firefighter who perished in the line of duty. Heavy floods like these are becoming more frequent due to climate change. He's been at aid locations four times this year.

12:50 p.m.: Sympathetic tourist becomes stuck in flood - fire brigade saves 81-year-oldThe fire department has rescued an 81-year-old car driver in the Upper Palatinate from the flood. The man drove onto an overflowed road in Hahnbach near Nuremberg to witness the flood of the Vils. However, his car got stuck and the water continued to rise. The driver climbed onto the car through the sliding door and called for help. A passerby informed the police. The fire brigade arrived with a special vehicle and rescued the car along with the driver from the water.

12:25 p.m.: Cruise ship stuck on the DanubeAt Deggendorf, evacuation of a Danube cruise ship is commencing, as reported by Bavarian Radio. The ship with 150 passengers from the US and England cannot continue on the Danube due to the flood. As Thomas Kindel, head of the disaster control at the Deggendorf District Office, tells BR upon request, a work boat is now connecting to the harbor, which will bring 25-30 people ashore at a time.

12:00 p.m.: Danube flooding similar to 2002 - likely to generate a "second wave"The water level of the Danube is rising and rising: The Bavarian Flood Information Service estimates that the Danube will carry as much water downstream from Regensburg as during the 2002 flood. This can be seen at, for instance, the Isar flowing into the Danube in Deggendorf, says a spokeswoman for the Flood Information Service. With a length of 2,850 kilometers, the Danube is the second longest river in Europe. In Passau, the water level at the Ilzstadt measuring point on August 13, 2002 was 10.80 meters. On Monday morning, the value was 7.77 meters, increasing trend. ntv weather expert Paul Heger provides an overview of the tense flood situation and a forecast for the dangers in the coming days:

11:27 a.m.: Body found in a flooded basementRescue teams have discovered a body in the flooded basement of a house in the heavily affected town of Schrobenhausen in Upper Bavaria. The body is suspected to be that of a 43-year-old female who has been missing since Sunday, according to a police representative.

11:21 a.m.: Water levels of Rems and Murr still rising - nursing home evacuatedDespite the reduction in rainfall, authorities in the Ludwigsburg district anticipate an imminent danger and increasing water levels. "Though there is currently no heavy rainfall, we still anticipate an increase in water levels of Rems and Murr," says District Administrator Dietmar Allgaier. In Remseck, the peak level of Rems has yet to be reached. The command center is monitoring the situation and organizing the emergency response teams. A total of around 250 individuals from the fire department are currently on duty. On Monday morning, a nursing home in Steinheim an der Murr was evacuated. The residents were transferred to other nursing homes.

Because of excessive rainfall, one of Germany's top waterways, the Rhine, is partially shut for inland cargo boats. "The Upper Rhine's shipping has been stalled," states a representative from the Waterways and Shipping Administration (WSA). "Critical water levels have surpassed the gauge stations." Areas impacted include Maxau close to Karlsruhe, Mannheim, and Worms. At the Middle Rhine (roughly along the stretch between Mainz and Bonn), closures may happen on Tuesday or Wednesday. "Based on the current forecasts, these shouldn't be very long," says the representative. These shutdowns are intended to avert damage to the banks resulting from the waves produced by the vessels. The ships create waves that can overflow banks and flood basements.

10:27: North Rhine-Westphalia offers support to the Bavarian flood region

North Rhine-Westphalia is sending five water rescue teams made up of 48 individuals, ten vehicles, eight trailers, and six boats to the flood site in Landau an der Isar, Bavaria. After receiving the aid offer from Düsseldorf's Ministry of the Interior on Sunday night, the free state of Bavaria approved it. The rescuers were then dispatched.

10:04: Ebersbach an der Fils residents are evacuated

In the severely impacted community of Ebersbach an der Fils south of Stuttgart, residents in particular streets are being relocated to safety. The city spokesperson could not give the immediate number of affected individuals. The residents had previously been notified and advised to pack their documents and essentials. In light of the flood predicament, all schools and municipal kindergartens will remain shut today, as announced on the city's Facebook page.

09:41 Ongoing search for a 43-year-old woman in SchrobenhausenThe police in Schrobenhausen in the Pfaffenhofen district are still searching for a missing woman using a helicopter and divers. The night report indicated that the 43-year-old woman had been discovered deceased, however, the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation subsequently retracted this information, maintaining that the hunt for the woman is ongoing. Due to not being able to enter the flooded cellar of the dwelling the preceding day, pumps are now being used in the building, according to a police spokesperson. This is believed to aid in locating the woman, who was last witnessed in her cellar. ntv reporter Niklas Diemer shares insights from the tense scenario at the location:

09:12 Söder: Bavarian flooding will occupy emergency services for several more days

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder predicts that flood relief efforts in the state will occupy authorities for several more days. "Things are improving, but we can't issue a complete warning," he remarked on Monday morning on Deutschlandfunk. Despite the lack of rain, the water levels in the larger rivers will rise due to inflows, he maintained. "The majority estimate it will last until Wednesday, Thursday."

08:41 Third breach in Pfaffenhofen district's Paar River dam

The dam of the Paar River in the Upper Bavarian Pfaffenhofen district has just broken at three locations. A district administration spokeswoman confirms this. The affected regions of Baar-Ebenhausen and Manching are instructed to leave their ground floors and relocate to higher levels. Up to 800 individuals were evacuated in Baar-Ebenhausen. In the Grund- and Mittelschule Reichertshofen, about 250 individuals were accommodated. The Paar is a tributary that flows into the Danube. In Vohburg, the Danube is being closely monitored, and safety precautions are being enforced. The A9 motorway remains closed in both directions between Ingolstadt and Langenbruck, according to the latest information.

08:21 Dam in Manching fractured

In Manching-Pichl in the Pfaffenhofen area, another dam has now been damaged, as various news sources report, citing the district administration. Residents are asked to promptly abandon their ground floors and seek refuge in higher floors. Affected streets include Benediktstraße, Martinstraße, and Peterstraße.

08:01 Rudersberg firefighters caught by flooding

In Rudersberg within the Rems-Murr-Kreis in Baden-Württemberg, even the fire department was taken off guard by the rapidly increasing water levels. After attempting to save residents, firefighters had to abandon their rescue endeavors when they attempted to rescue citizens. The fire squad could only salvage themselves by moving into the upper floors of homes and had to remain there for hours. The firehouse was also submerged, according to the fire department. Cars were driven onto an elevated area - but this was also submerged just a few minutes later. Two vehicles couldn't be evacuated securely.

7:39 Regensburg Undergoes a Disaster Situation

The water level of the Danube is constantly rising - now, Regensburg is also proclaiming a disaster situation. The water level at the iron bridge measuring spot has reached a height of 5.90 meters, as reported by the Bavarian flood warning service. On Tuesday, the average value was around 2.70 meters. According to experts, the measured water level during the previous major flood on June 4, 2013, was exactly 6.82 meters.

7:20 Helicopter Rescues Family in Günzburg

Water rescue specialists from the Wasserwacht have rescued twelve people from balconies and rooftops in Günzburg using a police helicopter, as reported by Bavarian Broadcasting (BR). In one such case, it involves a family with three children, one of whom is only a week old. Because of the massive water masses, a rescue by boat was no longer an option.

6:50 Possible Dam Break at Manching

The Integrated Command Center Ingolstadt warns of a possible dam break in Manching located in the Bavarian district of Pfaffenhofen. People are advised to stay in upper floors and avoid cellars and underground garages. A dam broke in the neighboring Baar-Ebenhausen on Sunday.

6:16 Evacuation of Houses South of Stuttgart

Due to flooding in the Filstal, people were evacuated from certain houses in Uhingen, south of Stuttgart. As a police spokesman said in the morning, evacuations took place in the town in the district of Göppingen. There were no injuries reported so far. Uhingen is located east of Ebersbach an der Fils, where, according to an estimate by the Göppingen district administration, numerous people are in danger. The flooding in the town is affecting a residential area. An extraordinary emergency situation was declared.

5:33 Rescue Teams from Baden-Württemberg will Assist Bavaria

In response to the ongoing flood situation, Baden-Württemberg is sending rescue teams to the neighboring Bavarian district of Günzburg. At the request of the Free State of Bavaria, three "Sanitation and Care" units have been sent to the district. The rescue teams will provide care and sustenance for people who have had to leave their homes and houses due to the flood. A water rescue vehicle from Ulm will also be deployed in the district of Günzburg to help with the evacuation of people.

5:13 Esslingen Constructs a Temporary Dam

The city of Esslingen am Neckar is constructing a provisional dam to prevent the predicted flooding of parts of the inner city. The peak is expected early in the morning, and the resulting floods in the inner city area could affect the canals. The city announces that around 1,500 tons of stone and sand will be piled up near the so-called water house on a canal during the night and Monday morning. Traffic disruptions should be expected in the vicinity of the construction site. The city had already warned against entering basements and underground garages in Esslingen's inner city and in Oberesslingen due to the tense flood situation.

5:00 Preparing for Evacuation in Ebersbach an der Fils

The heavily flooded community of Ebersbach an der Fils, south of Stuttgart, is preparing some residents of certain streets for evacuations. These people should pack documents and essential items to spend the night outside their homes, the city announces early on Monday via Facebook. It's vital to wait in the upper floors of the houses. "The fire department Ebersbach is coming to the residents."

4:50 Storm Warnings Lifted - But Heavy Rain Expected

The German Weather Service (DWD) has lifted all storm warnings for heavy thunderstorms with heavy rain in Germany. However, local rain squalls with the potential for heavy rain are still expected, especially in southern Germany, as per the DWD report. From noon onwards, areas south of the Danube and around the Bavarian Forest will be affected. Small-scale thunderstorms are not entirely ruled out.

3:15 Flood Tourists Cause Problems for Rescuers in Landkreis Augsburg

Flood tourists are creating issues for the helpers in Landkreis Augsburg. The rescue teams are increasingly having to deal with the rescue of people who, despite all warnings, went to dikes, underpasses, and in or on bodies of water. The district administration complains that it is necessary to relieve the rescue teams. "Flood waves can catch you off guard, and the bank can collapse," warns the authority. Drivers and pedestrians should avoid flooded streets, as well as flooded underpasses. Manhole covers could be lifted by the pressure in the sewer and suck people in.

The Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, and the Interior Minister, Thomas Strobl, will tour two flooded regions in the state on Monday. Meckenbeuren in Bodenseekreis is scheduled for a morning visit, followed by a stop at Erbach in Alb-Donau-Kreis as announced by a representative from the government. Kretschmann avoided visiting the flood-stricken areas on Sunday, preferring to stay updated by listening and observing closely. He acknowledged the intense work of rescue teams and the critical need for hands and sandbags.

A state of full alarm has been declared in Ebersbach an der Fils due to flooding. This necessitates that all firefighters are active. A video published by the city on Facebook shows water masses breaking through a sound barrier and flooding the federal highway 10. The city's message for the residents is severe: "Please remain at home (sic!) and do not visit the incident sites. There is partial danger to life, as demonstrated in the video." As a precaution, people are advised not to venture into their cellars and instead stay on the upper floors.

The Danube had already burst its banks on Sunday.

A 43-year-old individual who had been reported missing in South Germany passed away in a basement. Bayerischer Rundfunk mistakenly mentioned a woman in their initial report, but corrected the statement to reflect that it was a 43-year-old.

According to the railway, a relay station near Dresden was struck by lightning, resulting in disruption of regional traffic around the area for a while. Mainly, the regional rail from Dresden to Bautzen and Görlitz was impacted, per a railway spokesperson. The relay station, located in Radeberg, could be repaired in the evening. Within about two hours, trains returned to normal operations.

In Lauingen, a nursing home near the Danube is being evacuated due to the prevalent flooding. The city website notes that every effort will be made to ensure the ongoing care of the residents who are being transferred to an educational center.

In Donau-Ries, several places lying between the Danube and the Schmutter are being evacuated. The reasons stem from severe damage at a dam. The affected areas include Auchsesheim, Heißesheim, parts of Nordheim, Mertingen, Asbach-Bäumenheim, and Urfahrhof. The district office beseeches the populace to remain calm, pack essentials, and adhere to emergency service instructions. Notable evacuation ledgers are also being crafted.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser will journey to the Bavarian flood area on Monday. In Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm's Upper Bavarian district, they aim to grasp the current scenario in conjunction with Bavaria's Prime Minister, Markus Söder, and the State Interior Minister, Joachim Herrmann. The president of the Technical Relief Service, Sabine Lackner, is to be involved in the gathering.

8:30 PM

Numerous schools will shut down on Monday due to the flood conditions. Around 40 schools in eight districts of Bavaria will not provide onsite learning for the upcoming week. The Bavarian Ministry of Education has confirmed this, including the districts of Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, Aichach-Friedberg, Neuburg-Schrobenhausen, Freising, Fürstenfeldbruck, Dachau, Dillingen, and Augsburg. All Grund-, Mittel- and Realschulen as well as local Gymnasiums, vocational and professional high schools, and special needs centers in the Aichach-Friedberg district will not have classes on Monday. In Wertingen, part of the Dillingen district, all schools will be closed on Monday. Also, there will be no classes at several schools in Pfaffenhofen district. The Pfaffenhofen administration reports that some kindergartens will remain shuttered on Monday as well. On Monday and Tuesday, classes at Grund-, Mittel- and Realschulen, vocational school, special needs center, and Gymnasium in Schrobenhausen will be canceled.

9:19 PM

Approximately 30 towns in Swabia are suffering from power outages, some partially. LEW, the power supplier, reports this. There are also outages in the smaller networks (low voltage) in individual streets and homes. The outages seem to be prevalent within the districts of Günzburg, Augsburg, and Dillingen. "Our emergency crews are attempting to restore power by switching to alternative lines in the current situation," the power corporation notes. The duration of these outages depends on the situation on the ground.

9:00 PM

More than a thousand individuals in Günzburg have been brought to safety. This is what Günzburg District Administrator Hans Reichart told Bayerischer Rundfunk. These people are being housed in gymnasiums and, in some parts, at Legoland. The reason for these additional evacuation measures was the considerable rise in the level of the Günz within the last few hours.

8:22 PM

The German Meteorological Service (DWD) cautions of additional heavy rainfall, particularly in the southern regions. The weather evaluators in Offenbach anticipate extremely heavy rainfall in the Stuttgart area in the early evening on Sunday. There's also a possibility of strong thunderstorms, significant rain, and heavy rainfall in the Alps, from Saxony to southern Brandenburg and Berlin. In the foothills of the Alps to the south of the Danube, there may be strong thunderstorms with heavy rainfall on Sunday evening, followed by precipitation throughout Monday morning. There's a potential for up to 40 liters of rain per square meter every hour.

7:42 PM

Disaster alert has been issued in Straubing.

With the deteriorating flood scenario in Straubing along the Danube, Mayor Markus Pannermayr declared a state of disaster. The reasoning is based on the extensive requirements and the necessary personnel needed to address the situation. The water level in Straubing's Danube has ascended to over six meters. It is projected that the disaster level 4 will be surpassed within the next few hours. The flood warning service assigns four levels of alert. Level 1 suggests minor overflows, while Level 4 implies that vast areas can be flooded. All measures are underway, the announcement indicates. Some streets have already been sealed due to flooding.

6:34 PM

The half-flooded municipality of Meckenbeuren cautions against flood tourism. Considering the hazard perils, gawkers could impede emergency services and subject themselves and others to danger, the municipality of Friedrichshafen asserts. "Even when the weather improves or when it's sunny, hikers are advised to avoid the flooded areas. Additionally, please follow route closures on bridges and roads," a spokesperson relayed. Numerous times, police and firefighters have had to remind adults and children about the perilous currents. The Schussen River overflowed on Saturday evening and submerged streets and homes in the districts of Kehlen and Brochenzell.

6:00 PM

Heavy thunderstorms are a threat in Brandenburg's Oder-Spree region. The German Weather Service (DWD) has issued an official notice indicating the likelihood of lightening strikes, fallen trees, wind gusts, and objects toppling. Additionally, there is a possibility of house damage, landslides, and hail.

This is what Meckenbeuren currently looks like from above.

The districts of Dachau and Kelheim have issued a disaster alert due to the ongoing floods. The current situation and forecast predictions of looming water levels remain tense, according to district administrator Martin Neumeyer from Kelheim. The measures will help facilitate and equip disaster relief efforts more efficiently, while Dachau's district administrator, Stefan Löwl, added that local forces are struggling to manage the numerous emergency sites in the approaching hours. Now, relief efforts can be sent to the district from elsewhere.

The planned restrictions on train travel scheduled for Monday are a result of the flooding situation in southern Germany. German Railways has extended their leniency policy to include Monday: if passengers have tickets for the period between Sunday and Monday and need to postpone their journey because of flood damage, their train connection will be cancelled. While the extent of the traffic disruption is still unclear, several long-distance train routes have already been impacted, such as Munich-Nuremberg-Berlin, Stuttgart-Mannheim-Frankfurt, and Karlsruhe-Stuttgart-Crailsheim-Nuremberg. Additionally, Karlsruhe-Stuttgart-Ulm-Augsburg-Munich is affected. German Railways advises against traveling in areas of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg currently undergoing flooding.

Approximately 3,000 people in Bavaria have been impacted by evacuations due to the floods, according to a spokeswoman from the Bavarian Interior Ministry in Munich. For the multiple rescue operations, there are currently 20,000 people involved, while 40,000 have been involved since the onset of the situation.

Bernd Fuchs, an ntv weather expert, provided his perspective on the worsening flood situation, expressing that it is improbable that the flood situation in the south would improve. He emphasized, "Every drop is too much." When asked if there was a connection with climate change, he considered the current situation "a clear sign of where the journey is going."

In a shocking incident in the Upper Bavarian district of Freising, a man sustained severe injuries due to an electric shock while working in the floods. This employee of an energy company from the town of Allershausen was rescued by helicopter from a flooded area near the town hall. It is presumed that the work was related to the flood.

Due to heavy rainfall in South Germany, water levels along the Rhine have risen, prompting the partial suspension of shipping. On a section of the Upper Rhine near Karlsruhe where no ships have been allowed to sail since Saturday, the water level reached the critical shipping level II of 7.50 meters by Saturday evening. By Sunday afternoon, it had increased to 8.20 meters, however, it was expected to fall again in the night. Downstream, further increases in water levels are anticipated in Mannheim, Worms, and Mainz. On the Middle and Lower Rhine, high water levels are also expected in the near future that could potentially endanger shipping on the crucial waterway. At the Koblenz gauge, a level of approximately 6.10 meters is expected on Tuesday, above which no ships can sail. On Wednesday, the highest levels are expected in Cologne and Düsseldorf.

The Autobahn A9 is closed for approximately 50 kilometers in the Pfaffenhofen district because of a dam breach. The affected area encompasses a stretch in between Allershausen and Ingolstadt, where flooding has occurred. A police spokesperson for Upper Bavaria North indicated that this situation is novel for the authorities in this area. Furthermore, there are power outages impacting a large number of individuals. Efforts are being made to rectify the issue. The district administration has urged residents of Reichertshofen, Baar-Ebenhausen, and Manching to relocate from the ground floor of their homes and apartments to higher levels.

(Update 3:23 pm: According to Autobahn GmbH, the disrupted section lies between Ingolstadt-South and Langenbruck in both directions. Additionally, the stretch between Pfaffenhofen and the Autobahn junction Neufahrn is heavily congested. It is recommended to avoid the entire area entirely.)

4:59 PM: Economy Minister Habeck sees intense rainfall as a result of climate change

Economy Minister Robert Habeck urges for increased climate protection measures following the flood disaster in southern Germany. "The containment of carbon emissions to allow sufficient time for adaptation should not be trivialised or dismissed, but is of utmost priority," Habeck states during a visit to the heavily affected town of Reichertshofen in Bavaria. The frequency of natural disasters serves as a clear indication that nature and climate are undergoing significant changes. Flash floods now occur "every few years."

3:34 PM: Chancellor Scholz to tour flood-stricken areas on Monday

Chancellor Olaf Scholz plans to visit the areas impacted by the floods personally on Monday to better understand the situation. [This information came from government sources.]

3:21 PM: 22-year-old firefighter missing after operation in Offingen

A 22-year-old firefighter went missing after a rescue mission in Offingen in the Landkreis Günzburg. A spokesperson for the Schwaben Süd-West police headquarters confirmed the accident. Two colleagues from the voluntary fire department and three lifeguards, all from the DLRG, were evacuating people on a boat at around 2:50 AM when the vessel capsized. Four of the helpers were safely retrieved from the water, but the 22-year-old remains unaccounted for. Intensive search operations have begun from early morning hours, and two helicopters are now involved in the rescue. A 42-year-old firefighter has died while responding to the floods.

3:11 PM: Relief efforts are undermined by continuing rainstorms

The new week brings no reprieve for those in the flood affected areas of southern Germany. NTV meteorologist Björn Alexander notes, "The large and extensive continuous rain is still present, and new and local thunderstorm centers have formed."

2:52 PM: Another potential dam break at the Paar

The Paar is under the threat of a dam break, according to the High Water Information Service (HND) Bavaria. The communities of Rottmannshart, Westenhausen, Lindach, Ernsgaden, Irsching, and Knodorf in the Pfaffenhofen district could potentially be affected. Residents are advised to move to higher levels immediately, and authorities urge them not to linger in the cellar or basement. In times of emergency, the fire department should be notified through the emergency number, 112.

2:39 PM: Söder: 40,000 emergency personnel assigned to flood mitigation in Bavaria

Markus Söder, Bavaria's State Minister President, notes that approximately 40,000 emergency personnel are dedicated to addressing the floods in the state. During a visit to Reichertshofen, Upper Bavaria, he emphasised the importance of well-coordinated relief efforts, stating, "The primary objective now will be to organise the reliefs effectively in the next few hours." Overworked personnel need to be relieved as "the longer you remain in the field without a break, the higher the risk of making mistakes, becoming exhausted - and consequently putting their own safety in jeopardy."

Habeck is traveling in the flood area together with Bavaria's Minister President Söder and Interior Minister Herrmann.

2:29 PM: Straubing establishes high-water guards

The Donaupegel in Straubing is set to reach the highest alert level four later in the day, according to High Water Information Service (HND) Bavaria. Dam guards will be deployed at 3PM, and firefighters will monitor the dam on site. They are also expected to report water levels and any damage to the dam. Additionally, more sandbags are being filled.

2:03 PM: Dam break in the area of Baar-Ebenhausen

The Landkreis Pfaffenhofen has seen a dam burst in Baar-Ebenhausen. A warning has been issued for the surrounding communities of Reichertshofen, Baar-Ebenhausen, and Manching, and residents are asked to abandon the ground floor of their homes.

1:37 PM: Chancellor Scholz salutes flood relief workers

Chancellor Olaf Scholz gives his gratitude and respect to the rescue workers and helpers in flood-affected areas. "The passing of a firefighter in Pfaffenhofen has left me saddened," writes Scholz online. "My respect goes to his colleagues and other firefighters." In the Pfaffenhofen district of Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, a firefighter lost his life while responding to the floods.

1:25 PM: Flooding is a focus of the Catholic Day in Erfurt

The chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, Georg Bätzing, brings a special message to those impacted by the floods as part of the closing ceremony of the Catholic Day in Erfurt. "We desire to hope for the preservation and protection of human lives," says Bätzing in front of the Erfurt Cathedral.

Flooding in Kehlen and Brochenzell districts of Meckenbeuren, Bodenseekreis has submerged the communities as the Schussen river overflowed, as per a spokesperson from the local administration. Around 1300 residents voluntarily left their homes on Saturday to seek safety. A few inhabitants remained in their houses, taking refuge in upper floors. The water level in the Schussen reached more than 4.86 meters on Saturday night, which is much more than the normal depth of 45 centimeters in that area.

(10:34) Minister President Soder pays tribute to deceased volunteer firefighter

Bavarian Minister President Markus Soeder offers his condolences to the family and colleagues of the firefighter who lost his life during a rescue operation in the flood-affected area of Bavaria through a social media post. Soeder applauds the firefighter's dedication to saving others and extends his sympathies to the bereaved. Police reports indicate that the firefighter died when a rescue boat flipped over near the towns of Affalterbach and Uttenhofen due to the torrential rainfall. He was 42 years old.

(10:09) Ukrainian football team relocates training due to heavy rain

The Ukrainian football team had to shift its final training session for their match against the German team from Max-Morlock-Stadion in Nuremberg to Erlangen, as the training ground was under threat from heavy rainshowers. A representative for the Ukrainian team confirmed this on Sunday. The team will play against Germany's national football team on Monday, commencing at 20:45 in the same city.

(09:52) Munich undergoes 290 firefighter interventions in response to floods

Munich is also experiencing the effects of the heavy rainshowers. Since Saturday morning, the local fire department has attended to over 290 incidents, mostly to pump water out of flooded basements and garages. The support operation included uprooting trees due to the wet soil, and even shutting down roads. On Saturday night, flood level 2 of the Isar was exceeded.

(09:24) Dam break in Anhausen floods surrounding area

Anhausen's flood situation is improving after a dam five kilometers away from the town broke, causing a flood spike in the region. A reporter from NTV, Niklas Diemer, shares this update. However, the waters continue to create concern in other areas.

(09:08) THW reinforces its presence in flood-stricken Southern Germany

The Technical Assistance Organization (THW) is deploying more personnel in Southern Germany to provide assistance in the flooded areas. They presently have over 1800 workers stationed around the regions. The THW team members are working on securing dams, filling sandbags, and aiding evacuations in flood-hit regions. The fire department, alongside other emergency services, is also in action.

(08:47) Baden-Württemberg landslide disrupts train traffic, damages car

Söder during his visit to Reichertshofen.

The flooding in Germany is causing widespread disruptions. A landslide in Baden-Württemberg has affected the traffic in the region, with one train being stranded. Passengers had to be evacuated from the ICE train after a landslide struck the tracks between Schwäbisch Gmünd and Kirchheim unter Teck. Meanwhile, a car was also hit by a descending tree.

(08:30) ICE train recovery starts in Schwäbisch Gmünd

The recovery operation of the scheme-affected ICE train in Schwäbisch Gmünd's railway lines has commenced. The regional service cannot pass the track as a rescue locomotive is present on the second track, reported a spokeswoman. The disruption duration is currently unknown. The ICE with 185 passengers on board derailed after a landslide at the Schwäbisch Gmünd Perlach station on Saturday afternoon.

(08:16) Person missing in Schrobenhausen's basement

A person is still unaccounted for in Schrobenhausen, reported a spokesman from the Neuburg-Schrobenhausen district administration. The missing individual was sheltering in the basement of a house when the floods inundated the area, including parts of the upper floors. Rescue services are unable to enter the impacted house.

07:29 Flood levels elevate in southern Bavaria: Alert status 4 remains at multiple stations

In the territories of Bavaria, various gauges continue to measure level 4 floods, with attention directed towards the southern Danube tributaries of Gunz, Mindel, Zusam, Schmutter, Paar, Abens, Ilm, and Amper, alongside the upper Danube. This is reported by the flood warning service. The heightened levels were accomplished during the night, and the focus has now shifted towards Swabia, Lower Bavaria, and the Upper Palatinate. Areas potentially influenced by the high waters include Neuburg, Kelheim, and Regensburg. These locations are expected to experience the peak wave in the beginning of the week. Additionally, Sunday will see a rise in Mühlried in the Schrobenhausen district, as well as an elevation anticipated for Manching and Geisenfeld, Upper Bavaria, and Abensberg, Kelheim district.

06:54 Weather alerts for pending thunderstorms with additional downpours

The German Weather Service (DWD) predicts further thunderstorms and heavy rainfall scheduled for Sunday across the regions of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. Specifically, these storms may occur between noon and Monday night, with the potential for flooding streets and cellars. Damage from lightning strikes is also deemed possible by the DWD.

05:39 Urgent ejections in flooded areas of the Augsburg district

Residents of the communities Kühlenthal and Allmannshofen within the Bavarian Augsburg district have been instructed to evacuate immediately according to the early-morning notifications from the integrated control center. Transportation is being provided for those unable to vacate themselves. The sudden evacuations are occurring predominantly in the districts along the Schmutter river, which is a tributary of the Danube.

05:05 Preparations for elevated water levels in Wiesbaden

Authorities in authority-run Wiesbaden are taking steps to prevent rising water levels on the Rhine and Main. In Kostheim, a flood protection wall has been implemented by the fire department in the wee hours. A pump has also been erected in the Rhine-facing Schierstein district. To the public is warned against utilizing parking lots positioned on the river over the incoming days. Thus far, additional precautions have not been deemed necessary.

04:04 The suspension of long-distance passenger train operation between Stuttgart and Munich

Landslide at Schwäbisch Gmünd grounds: Since Saturday, this small Baden-Württemberg town has led to the cessation of long-distance train transportation between Stuttgart and Munich. The railway authority cannot yet state when the track will reopen. A landslide blocks the bypass between Aalen and Stuttgart. The bypass between Ulm and Augsburg has been closed since Saturday due to the flood in Southern Germany.

03:13 The filling of 30,000 sandbags in Ulm by THW

The Technical Relief Organization (THW) in Ulm has filled sandbags all night for delivery to the flood-stricken and flood-endangered regions of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. 30,000 sandbags is the projected total, with a capacity of 400 sandbags per hour for filling. Bureau requests for these provisions originate from multiple deployment zones and neighboring states. The persistent rain has significantly increased the water levels at numerous locations throughout Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria.

02:25 Water rescuers from Unterfranken are dispatched to Günzburg by the Red Cross

The Bavarian Red Cross has planned to deploy a water rescue unit from Unterfranken to the Swabian Günzburg aid mission. The deployment aims to comprise two boat and diving units, as stated by the Red Cross in the evening. The water rescue professionals from Unterfranken are highly experienced in flood management operations. In said district, various bodies of water reached the hundred-year flood levels. This constitutes a flood level that arises or surpasses the statistical average once every century.

01:27 Trains between Stuttgart and Munich halted due to Schwäbisch Gmünd landslide

Aerial photos show flooded Meckenbeuren.

A pair of ICE wagons with 185 passengers each came to a halt in the Baden-Württemberg town of Schwäbisch Gmünd at around 11:20 p.m. due to a landslide. The passengers were unhurt and are currently in the process of being evacuated. Of the ICE wagons, the first two detached from the rails but did not tip. The landslide measured approximately 30 meters in width. Passengers will be transferred from the amassed train to a nearby kindergarten and then nearly to Plöderhausen via bus.

9:59pm A landslide hits a car in Schwaebisch GmuendA vehicle has been hit by a landslide in the town of Schwaebisch Gmuend, Baden-Wuerttemberg. Initial police reports suggest that the driver of the car was unharmed. The incident took place where a county road and a railway run parallel. Schwaebisch Gmuend, approximately 50 km east of Stuttgart, has been experiencing heavy rainfall since Friday.

9:14pm Neu-Ulm manages to avoid the high water markAccording to Neu-Ulm's city administration, the city has surpassed the high water mark of the Danube and Iller rivers. The city has thus averted the feared "100-year flood". Despite high water levels, the exact amount of damage is still unclear, according to Mayor Katrin Albsteiger. Two streets, the Donau promenades, and the bike paths along the Danube and the Iller will remain closed for the time being.

9:14pm Danger at the Isar River Bank in MunichThe Munich Fire Department has warned of danger at the Isar River bank due to flooding. Additionally, the city administration has closed two popular walking paths along the river. Munich is currently experiencing an alert level 2 situation, meaning flooding on non-built areas or traffic disruptions due to high water levels on roads.

9:03pm Over 670 people to be evacuated in Upper BavariaRescue services are gearing up to evacuate more than 670 people in Schrobenhausen, Upper Bavaria. Excavators and boats are being used in the district of Mühldorf along the Weilach River. The district administration has also set up a hotline for emergencies. The municipality had previously declared a disaster situation. The situation is particularly alarming in the southern part of the Upper Bavarian district, according to District Administrator Peter von der Grün.

8:45pm Numerous fire department interventions in Eastern ThuringiaHeavy rain and thunderstorms are causing many interventions from the fire departments in Eastern Thuringia. The Gera control center has reported which areas are particularly affected, such as Ronneburg in the Greiz district. There are flooded roads, fields, and flooded basements. In the Gera district, a small stream has also overflowed.

8:25pm No flooding warning yet in the southThe German Weather Service (DWD) has reported slight relaxation in terms of rainfall in the flooded or threatened areas in South Germany. While the continuous rain will not be as heavy tonight as it was last night, there will still be showers and thunderstorms from the north, bringing the risk of local flooding again on Sunday afternoon. Such showers could be quite strong and subside slowly. Affected areas are mainly the Swabian Alb, areas north of it, and the region around Augsburg, Nuremberg, Bamberg, and Regensburg.

8:05pm Disaster situation also in FreisingFreising District has also declared a disaster situation due to overflowing rivers and streams. The Amper and Glonn rivers are at risk of reaching record-breaking water levels, as reported by the district administration. The authority is preparing for massive flooding in the town of Hohenkammer, along with those in other Amper towns. Citizens are being advised to take early precautions, such as emptying their basements. Ten Bavarian districts are now under disaster situation.

7:50pm Dillingen District declares disaster situationDue to a continuous downpour, the Dillingen district in Bavaria has issued a disaster declaration. The situation along the Zusam River, a tributary of the Danube, has worsened, as per a report from the district administration. The local crisis team is seeking assistance from the military. Experts predict a 100-year flood on this small river, which could affect the neighboring towns of Buttenwiesen and Wertingen. The district administration is requesting farmers to keep their livestock in secure stables.

At 21:09, the eighth municipality in Bavaria is experiencing a disaster situation declared by the Landkreis Neuburg-Schrobenhausen. The cause is the overflowing of the Danube and its tributaries, the district administration of the Upper Bavaria town confirms. The Water Management Office in Ingolstadt predicts a level 4 at the Neuburg gauge overnight. The situation at the Paar, one of the Danube tributaries, and the Weilach, which joins the Paar, is even more dire. In the Schrobenhausen district of Mühldorf, the Weilach has already overflowed its banks and inundated a residential area. Emergency services are planning to evacuate residents there, as reported by Landrat Peter von der Grün. The situation is particularly concerning in the southern portion of the district. Von der Grün emphasized that safeguarding roads, bridges, and footpaths is a top priority. "This will ensure that the fire brigade can continue to respond to emergencies."

At 20:34, the Bavarian Red Cross (BRK) has saved two individuals from the roof of their home in Babenhausen using a helicopter. The two were in danger of losing their lives, indicates a representative of the BRK. The house in the Unterallgäu region was at risk of collapsing owing to the huge water masses amassing. Additionally, people were taken from their homes by inflatable boats. Rescue squads transported more than 100 individuals to safety - including many children.

At 20:13, residents in several Augsburg areas are being asked to depart their homes because of the imminent flood conditions. Water rescuers had to extract people from their vehicles who couldn't open the doors due to the water masses. The situation may become dangerous as a result of the current and the increasing water level in the vehicle, the spokesman said. In several municipalities of the Augsburg district, people are being encouraged to leave their homes due to the exigent flood situation. The scenario is expected to intensify in the evening in the northern part of the district, reports a spokesman for the Augsburg district administration. Areas of Batzenhofen, Gablingen, Langweid, Eisenbrechtshofen, Biberbach, Allmannshofen, and the whole community of Nordendorf are impacted. The Swabian state government has set up an emergency shelter at the Augsburg exhibition grounds.

At 19:48, Bundeswehr personnel are assisting in the areas affected by the flooding in Bavaria. "The Bundeswehr is aiding the two districts of Günzburg and Aichach-Friedberg, after both districts filed a formal request," remarked a spokesperson for the Bundeswehr in Bavaria to Antenne Bayern. "In the vicinity of Günzburg, blankets and field beds are being distributed. In the Aichach-Friedberg district, approximately 50 Bundeswehr soldiers are anticipated to arrive as 'helping hands,'" the spokesperson continues. "In addition, two Bundeswehr vehicles are being employed."

At 19:20, Nancy Faeser, the Federal Interior Minister, vows additional support for regions badly affected by flooding in southern Germany. "Due to the persistent heavy rain and expected floods, the THW (Technical Relief Organization) will be deploying more units," says the SPD politician from Berlin. "We will continue to assist the impacted federal states with all available resources." According to Faeser, as of Saturday evening, 520 THW personnel and assisters are actively engaged. They have saved people, reinforced dikes, and drained water. Faeser also thanked everyone engaged in battling the water masses: "I genuinely appreciate all the assistance provided by these individuals who are tirelessly working to save lives." People in the flooded Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg regions should treat the warnings and guidelines released by authorities seriously, Faeser warned. "Please take these warnings very seriously!"

At 18:58, 29 climbers stuck at the Zugspitze have been saved. The climbers in peril at the Zugspitze (as reported in the Live Ticker at 15:15) are now safe at the Gletscherrestaurant Sonnalpin, the mountain rescue service reports. Several groups sent emergency calls, says a spokesman for the mountain rescue service. They were unable to carry on due to weather conditions and recent snowfall at about 2500 meters above sea level, around 900 meters before the Sonnalpin. The mountain rescue team deployed while employees of the Zugspitzbahn were also en route to find the climbers, states a spokesman for the Zugspitzbahn.

The German Meteorological Service (DWD) issues a warning for Brandenburg regarding the potential threat of intense thunderstorms. In the districts of Dahme-Spreewald, Märkisch-Oderland, and Oder-Spree, the second-highest alert level has been established until evening. The threats include lightning strikes, uprooted trees or power lines, falling objects, rapid flooding of roads, landslides, and hail.

18:11 Floods on the motorway - A3 partially closed

The A3 motorway in Bavaria near Regensburg has been partially closed for about 10 km between exits Parsberg and Beratzhausen in both directions due to an overflowing of water on the road surface. The police in Upper Palatinate report the situation. "The water is overflowing from the fields onto the motorway," says a spokesperson. According to the traffic police Regensburg, the Autobahnmeisterei, fire department, and police are on-site. Traffic will be diverted, says a spokesperson.

17:51 Memmingen Prison evacuated

Due to the risk of flooding, the prison in Memmingen, Bavaria, undergoes evacuation. Nonstopnews delivers the report. Up to 150 inmates will be accommodated temporarily in Landsberg, Kempten, and Augsburg. In front of the prison, the Memminger Ach - a small river - is presently behaving as a raging river, posing a flood threat to the facility. Parts of the prison premises are already submerged. This might result in a power cut, leading the institution's management to evacuate the inmates to reduce the potential for a power outage. The police was dispatched with a large number of emergency vehicles to facilitate the evacuation. The evacuation had to be carried out on flooded streets, as the access road was already submerged. The fire service was on hand with pumps to drain water from the institution.

The helpers manage 400 bags per hour.

17:35 Heavy rain results in water levels reaching level 4

Excessive rainfall in Swabia has caused water levels to reach level 4 at several gauges. Concurrently, in Lower Bavaria and Upper Palatinate, the rivers are becoming more swollen. The Neu-Ulm Bad Held (Danube), Hasberg (Mindel), Fleinhausen (Zusam), Fischach (Schmutter), and Regen in Cham gauges have exceeded level 4. Hundred-year floods are reported in Nattenhausen (Günz) and Dasing (Paar).

The Pegel Wiblingen (Iller) is predicted to achieve its peak in warning level 3 from Saturday to Sunday. In the case of the lower Iller, the water levels are already receding, while the higher Iller region still experiences rising flood levels. The gauges in the Upper Danube tributaries of Wörnitz, Sulzach, Altmühl, Schwarze Laber, and Naab show individual gauge exceedances of Meldestufe 1 and 2, with increasing levels in the upper regions. From Neu-Ulm to Kelheim, the water levels are expected to attain level 3 during the day, for example in Günzburg, Donauwörth, and Neuburg. The Pegel Kelheim is scheduled for later on. In the further Donau section between Passau, there are rising

17:23 Flights continue without interruption at Munich Airport despite the heavy rain in Bavaria

Despite intense rainfall in numerous parts of Bavaria, Munich Airport maintains typical functioning. No flights have suffered cancellations thus far. There are several reasons: the water standing in the lawns next to the runways, the airport's higher elevation, the runways' sunken edges facilitating water runoff, and the "grooved" design of the runways, expediting water drainage. Consequently, aquaplaning remains irrelevant. The airport doesn't foresee significant complications during the weekend.

17:07 "Things are getting real now," proclaims Söder

Bavaria's Minister President, Markus Söder, visits the seriously affected region of Swabia. He thanks volunteers and authorities. Emphasizing the "extreme burden" exerted upon citizens, Söder underlines that "this is not over yet; things are getting real now." Resources, e.g., sandbags, are being gathered in the Swabian region. Without the assistance of organizations such as fire department, Red Cross, police, and Technical Aid Organization, there would be no chance of survival. Addressing the responders, "Please adhere to the regulations," appeals Söder. Entering the cellar or attempting to retrieve vehicles from the garage should be avoided.

The weather disasters in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria are also causing chaos on the railway system. German Rail (Deutsche Bahn) reports disruptions and train failures in South Germany. Particularly affected are two ICE lines, a representative says. Between Munich, Bregenz, and Zurich, no trains will run all day on Saturday due to the flood. The line between Ulm and Augsburg is also impacted. For more information on track closures, breakdowns, and delays, check out the Bahn website.

16:12 Disaster scene has reached Unterallgäu - Residents in need should display a white cloth

The disaster zone has now reached the Bavarian district of Unterallgäu. In the city of Babenhausen, the cell phone network has crashed. Anyone who needs aid and cannot make an emergency call should hang a white sheet or curtain out the window or, if possible, make themselves visible at the window to draw attention to their situation, advises the district office. Rescue operations are underway in Babenhausen, with people being evacuated from their homes using inflatable boats.

15:57 400 THW members are active in Southern Germany

In the context of the storms in Southern Germany, around 400 members of the Technical Relief Organization (THW) are currently in action. The THW in Bonn reports this. They are pumping water, securing dams, and evacuating people preemptively. "Due to the persistent and sometimes heavy rainfall, the THW is preparing to dispatch further THW forces specifically," they say. In the affected areas, mobile flood gauges will be installed and monitored, the THW continues. "Given further weather forecasts and imminent flooding in the coming hours, the THW is preparing to dispatch more THW forces." Teams are thus on standby nationwide. Each relief group consists of around 40 THW volunteers who operate three sewage pumps, a power generator, an exploration vehicle, and a command post. Each relief group can drain up to 30,000 liters of water per minute.

15:37 All flood warnings in a single map

Open this map to see all current flood alerts. The graphic is updated regularly.

15:15 Report: 26-member mountain climbing team is stranded below Mt. Zugspitze

26 climbers from a mountain climbing group are reportedly stuck several hundred meters below the summit of Mt. Zugspitze. According to BR, 60 centimeters of new snow has fallen on the mountain in the last few hours, while heavy rain is falling in the valley. Temperatures are below freezing, and visibility is only about 100 meters. Several mountain rescue teams have been sent to search for the climbers in the blizzard, as reported by BR, quoting the Garmisch-Partenkirchen Mountain Rescue Service. The group is exhausted and likely not fully equipped. It is unclear why they attempted to climb Mt. Zugspitze despite the extreme weather forecast.

14:52 Donau-Ries District declares emergency situation

The Donau-Ries District in Bavaria has also declared an emergency situation. This step aims "to bring all forces together and prepare more quickly and efficiently for the expected water levels," explains District Administrator Stefan Roßle in a statement. "It is important to maintain calm and avoid low-lying areas as much as possible at this time," Roßle adds.

14:20 Breakthroughs in Augsburg district - Evacuations organized

In the Swabian district of Augsburg, a dam has burst, and another dam has given way. The district administration reports this. Residents in certain streets in the town of Diedorf must leave their homes. Evacuation preparations are being made in the Anhausen district of Diedorf, according to the Augsburg District Administration. "It is no longer feasible to move to higher floors." In Burgwalden, a dam has burst and a dam at the Anhauser Weiher reservoir has failed. All residents in the affected areas are urged to leave their homes immediately and independently and to go to the Diedorf Schmuttertalhalle. The authorities also advise staying away from railway underpasses, as flooding could occur there. There is a risk to life.

Babenhausen residents are rescued with rubber dinghies.

Söder and Herrmann visit the flood zone

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder and Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann travel to the flooded area in the district of Augsburg on Saturday. The two top officials from the CSU want to gain a firsthand impression of the flood situation in Diedorf. District Administrator Martin Sailer is also participating. The visit's location was changed at short notice due to the situation. Initially, the politicians had planned to visit the nearby Fischach area. In Diedorf, evacuation preparations for residents are underway. The flood scenario is particularly alarming in the Swabian region. Along with the Augsburg District, the districts of Günzburg and Aichach-Friedberg have now also declared an emergency situation.

The flood conditions in Meckenbeuren are getting more serious. The water level in the Schussen river at Meckenbeuren in the Bodenseekreis is continuing to increase. A spokesperson from the city says that the level reached 4.72 meters in the afternoon. People hope that the peak will appear soon. In the previous flood back in 2021, the river reached a height of 4.50 meters. Generally, it just has 45 centimeters of water. Around 1300 people were told by the municipal authorities on Friday evening to leave their homes as a precaution. The majority of them went to stay at the houses of friends or family members. Very few people used a temporary shelter. To avoid damage from flooding, schools, kindergartens, and halls were emptied out in prior notice. In the town with 14,000 residents, bridges were also shut down as a prevention.

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