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A woman is injured severely in a moving train

A woman puts her luggage on a regional train, but then goes back out onto the platform. What follows is a tragic accident.

At Hagen Hauptbahnhof, a 25-year-old woman was severely injured in an accident at the platform...
At Hagen Hauptbahnhof, a 25-year-old woman was severely injured in an accident at the platform (Image)

unfaulty - A woman is injured severely in a moving train

A 25-year-old woman lost a foot while trying to board a train at Hagen Hauptbahnhof. According to the Federal Police, the woman got on a regional train in the afternoon on Sunday and left her luggage and bag there. It is unclear why she went back to the platform after that.

As the doors were closing, she was still outside. She tried to open the doors, but it was too late and the train started moving. She ran alongside the moving train for a few meters, trying to get in, but lost her balance and fell into the gap between the platform edge and the train.

Passengers on the train sounded the alarm, the locomotive driver applied the brakes and stopped the train. A 37-year-old man witnessed the accident and called the emergency number. A railway employee provided first aid. The woman was rescued from the tracks and was still conscious. She was taken to a hospital by a helicopter that had landed on the station forecourt.

Both the 37-year-old man who made the emergency call and the railway employee who provided first aid suffered a shock and were cared for by chaplains on site. The 60-year-old driver of the regional train was relieved - he was so shocked that he had to be taken to the hospital.

The Federal Police is investigating the circumstances surrounding the accident at Hagen Hauptbahnhof. Ms. Smith, the victim, was a resident of North Rhine-Westphalia. She was trying to board the Regional Bahn train when the accident happened. The incident caused disruptions at the Main Station, delaying several other trains. The Federal Police appreciates the swift actions of the 37-year-old man who called the emergency number and the railway employee who provided first aid.

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