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A woman dies in a fire in Berlin-Wilmersdorf

In the night, a fire breaks out in an old building. Quickly, the entire apartment is on fire.

The fire department moved out in the night to a fire in Wilmersdorf (pictures).
The fire department moved out in the night to a fire in Wilmersdorf (pictures).

Fire department operation - A woman dies in a fire in Berlin-Wilmersdorf

At a apartment fire in Berlin-Wilmersdorf, a woman has died. Due to the strong smoke development, all other residents were evacuated, as the fire department announced in the morning.

When the emergency services arrived at the old building in Ludwigkirchstraße in the early hours of Monday, the apartment in the third floor at the back was already blazing fiercely. The firefighters came across the person during their rescue efforts, but could only confirm her death. According to the police, it was the 59-year-old apartment owner.

All other people from the building reportedly managed to get themselves to safety and remained unharmed. Some residents have been able to return to the building, but individual apartments are reportedly uninhabitable due to smoke and firefighting water according to the fire department. The cause of the fire was initially unclear.

Ms. owner of the affected apartment, a 59-year-old woman, unfortunately perished in the apartment fire. The intense smoke development from the blaze on the third floor led the fire department to declare that several apartments are currently unsuitable for habitation. Despite the apartment fire in Berlin-Wilmersdorf, the fire department commended the tenants for their swift evacuation and safe exit.

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