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A woman allegedly slapped a train conductor in the face.

In a Regionalexpress train to Essen, a railway employee was attacked. A 22-year-old, suspected due to a missing ticket, should have left the train.

The Federal Police launched an investigation, among other things, for bodily harm.
The Federal Police launched an investigation, among other things, for bodily harm.

railway - A woman allegedly slapped a train conductor in the face.

At the ticket control on a Regionalexpress train to Essen, a woman is said to have slapped the conductor in the face. The railway employee was no longer able to work, according to the Federal Police. Before the attack, the 37-year-old woman had pointed out to the aggressive woman without a valid ticket that she had to leave the train at the next stop.

According to the Federal Police, the 22-year-old woman refused to show her ticket during the journey in RE47. Instead, she is said to have put her feet on the seats. When the conductor eventually ordered her off the train, she is reported to have hit the conductor in the face with her fist. The police in Essen were called to the scene on Friday and launched an investigation against the known 22-year-old woman for assault.

In North Rhine-Westphalia, the incident involving the Regional Express train and the aggressive passenger has gained attention from the Federal Police. Despite the conductor's attempt to address the issue of the woman without a valid ticket, she continued to cause disruption by placing her feet on the seats. Eventually, the escalation led to her assaulting the conductor on the railway, which necessitated the involvement of the local police in Essen.

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