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A suspected terrorist found dead in Viennese cell

Attack plan for Cologne Cathedral?

At the police detention center, the man waited for his deportation to Russia with the airplane.
At the police detention center, the man waited for his deportation to Russia with the airplane.

A suspected terrorist found dead in Viennese cell

In Vienna's Police Headquarters, a Suspect Found Dead in the Morning

Vienna's Police Headquarters discovered a suspect, a 40-year-old man from Dagestan, lifeless in his cell. He was set to be deported to Russia. According to the Vienna Police, he is one of the four individuals taken into custody in Vienna due to terror-related investigations in Vienna and Cologne.

This man, who was to be deported from Austria to the Russian Republic of Dagestan, was found dead in his cell. The Vienna Police confirmed the death of a 40-year-old man in a police station, as reported by the "Kronen Zeitung." The spokesperson stated that he did not die due to external causes. The terror suspect reportedly took his own life using a towel and his shackles, according to "Kronen Zeitung."

One of the four individuals, a Tajik, was arrested in Wesel on the Lower Rhine on Christmas Eve 2023 and extradited to Austria in February. The police received information about a possible attack scenario at Cologne Cathedral, which was related to New Year's Eve. Additionally, security authorities received a tip about a possible planned attack on Vienna's landmarks, such as St. Stephen's Cathedral, before Christmas. In Austria, two men from Tajikistan and Dagestan, as well as a woman with Turkish roots, were arrested.

IS-Affiliate under Investigation

The Tajik suspect has already been deported, as reported by the Austrian news agency APA. The Vienna Prosecutor's Office continues to investigate the former detainees on suspicion of involvement in a terrorist organization. The group Islamic State Province of Khorasan (ISPK) is under investigation.

Western authorities and experts believe that the ISPK is responsible for the attack on a concert hall in Moskau in March, resulting in over 140 deaths. Russia was shaken on March 22 by what is considered its worst terror attack in years.

Following the attack on the Crocus City Hall, at least 144 people were killed and 382 others were injured in the city of Krasnogorsk northwest of Moscow. The IS has claimed responsibility for the attack multiple times. However, the Russian leadership is attempting to blame Ukraine for orchestrating the attack.

  1. The Vienna Prosecutor's Office is currently investigating the former detainees, including individuals from Dagestan, on suspicion of having ties to the Islamic State Province of Khorasan (ISPK), an international terrorist organization.
  2. The Russian Republic of Dagestan was the intended destination for the 40-year-old terror suspect who was found dead in Vienna's Police Headquarters, displaying the international reach of terrorism and deportation issues.
  3. The Islamic State, a global terrorist group, is believed to be responsible for a terror attack in Moskau, Russia, which claimed over 140 lives and left over 380 injured, highlighting the threat of Islamism and terrorism in various international locations.
  4. In the wake of the terror attacks in both Vienna and Moscow, increased security measures and vigilance are required by police forces worldwide to prevent and respond to such acts of terrorism.
  5. The Austrian government and international partners must address the complex issue of terrorism, as it encompasses multiple countries and organizations, requiring collective efforts in terms of intelligence-sharing and counter-terrorism strategies.

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