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A student from Sylt won't face expulsion.

College forgives financial penalty

The student at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences is still banned from the building, but...
The student at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences is still banned from the building, but not exmatriculated.

A student from Sylt won't face expulsion.

Following the vocalization of a right-wing slogan, "Germany Belongs to the Germans - Keep Out Strangers," during Pentecost celebrations in Sylt, several young individuals have faced employment consequences, and a university student is potentially facing expulsion. However, the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW) will not resort to the most severe penalty.

A student who participated in the racially charged chants at a Sylter bar will not be expelled from the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, as stated by the HAW. Instead, the house ban that is in place until the end of July will remain active.

The committee, comprising six members, deliberated on the appropriate response, considering the severe infringement on fundamental rights that an expulsion represents. Taking into account the house ban and the student's specific academic situation, they unanimously decided against expulsion.

The HAW has publicly distanced itself from the controversial video and its content, which surfaced a month prior. "As an inclusive university, we staunchly oppose racism in all its forms, making our decisions with a commitment to fostering and promoting respectful coexistence."

A brief, viral video, allegedly captured at Pentecost in the Pony-Bar in Kampen, shows young people singing racist slogans set to the tune of the popular dance track "L'amour toujours" by Gigi D'Agostino. They chant, "Germany Belongs to the Germans - Keep Out Strangers." This incident sparked widespread indignation across the nation.

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