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A strong heat wave affects the daily life of wide areas in Greece

Temperatures above 40 degrees

A strong heat wave affects daily life in wide areas of Greece
A strong heat wave affects daily life in wide areas of Greece

A strong heat wave affects the daily life of wide areas in Greece

The heat in Greece is growing increasingly impactful on people's daily lives - and an end is not in sight. "We're expecting temperatures of 43 degrees or more in the coming days," said a meteorologist from Greek television broadcaster ERT. It was 38 degrees in Athens in the early afternoon on a recent Monday.

Nationwide, the effects of the heat have been felt for days: For instance, the tracks of the suburban railway in Patras, the harbor city, have warped due to the high temperatures. The Civil Defense once again urged elderly or sick people to avoid going outside. "The problem is that we can't even sleep at night due to the heat," a passerby in Athens told Greek television.

Moreover, according to the Civil Defense, the risk of fire due to the drought, heat, and strong winds blowing around the Aegean Sea is very high. Hundreds of fires have already occurred in Greece in recent weeks.

Since early June, thermometers in almost all regions of the mainland have shown temperatures of up to 40 degrees. Meteorologists have declared the past month to be the hottest since the beginning of measurements in 1890.

Greece's Courtyard, typically a vibrant part of everyday life, now struggles to provide respite from the Strong Temperatures. Residents share their concerns, such as the passerby in Athens who mentioned, "The problem is that we can't even sleep at night due to the Heatwave." The Civil Defense also warns that the Share of Heat, coupled with drought and strong winds, increases the risk of fires, as evidenced by the numerous fires in Greece recently.

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