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A small head movement keeps Trump from letting go

If I only turn half around

If I just turn half around, the ball hits the back of my brain
If I just turn half around, the ball hits the back of my brain

A small head movement keeps Trump from letting go

Centimeters decide on life and death: During the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, the presidential candidate turns to the side at the right moment, the bullet only touches his ear. He rarely turns away from the crowd, Trump explains, who now realizes what happened.

Donald Trump has had to think about that moment repeatedly since the assassination attempt: a small head movement to better see the screen. This likely saved his life from a bullet hitting his head instead of his ear. "The most incredible thing was that I not only turned, but exactly at the right time and in the right amount," Trump told the "Washington Examiner" on board his Boeing 757 on the way to the Republican Party convention.

"If I had only turned half, the bullet would have hit the back of my brain. The other way goes straight through the skull. The chance that I would make a perfect turn is probably less than one in ten percent, so I shouldn't be here." He rarely turns away from the crowd. If he had done so in that moment, "we wouldn't be talking about this, or?" The incident deeply shocked him. He now understands what happened ("Reality is just setting in").

Trump: "I didn't want to be carried away"

Trump also praised the employees of the Secret Service. On the plane, the 78-year-old reportedly rolled up his right sleeve and showed a deep red blood clot. "That's just from an agent who grabbed me," Trump said. "Do you know how strong you have to be to do that?" Trump also said he insisted on standing up and leaving the stage with his own strength. "I didn't want to be carried away. I saw how people were carried away, and that's not good. And I had no problem with that."

His initial intention was to return to the speaker's podium. "I wanted to keep speaking - I wanted to keep speaking, but I was just shot," Trump said with a small laugh. "It's a very surreal experience, and you never know what you'll do until something like that happens."

A man shot at Donald Trump during a campaign rally in the state of Pennsylvania on Saturday. The shooter, according to the FBI, is a 20-year-old man from the region. The shooter was killed by security personnel. The motive is still unknown, but the FBI is believed to be investigating the incident as an isolated act.

Trump's closest allies in the Republikaners party are expressing their relief and gratitude following the assassination attempt on his life. The United States Presidency Election 2024 is looming, and Trump continues to make attempts to secure the Republican nomination. Despite the harrowing experience, Trump remains determined and vows to never allow such an incident to deter him from continuing his political journey.

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