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A pharmacy for 4,756 Hessians

How many inhabitants does a pharmacy serve statistically? The Statistical Federal Office has compiled a list.

The supply of the population with pharmacies will thin out.(Archive picture)
The supply of the population with pharmacies will thin out.(Archive picture)

Health - A pharmacy for 4,756 Hessians

In Hessen, a Pharmacy serves statistically 4,756 people. The federal state is therefore close to the nationwide average. Nationwide, a pharmacy served 4,819 people at the end of the previous year, according to figures from the Federal Statistical Office.

In Saarland, only 3,781 people went to a pharmacy. This is the lowest number of all federal states and city-states. After that come Saxony-Anhalt with 3,894 and Thuringia with 4,288 people per pharmacy. At the other end are the city-states Bremen (5,321), Berlin (5,290), and Hamburg (5,177).

Fewer pharmacies mean more revenue

The pharmacy supply in Germany is getting worse. On average, a pharmacy in Germany served 4,819 people at the end of 2023. Ten years ago, according to the Federal Statistical Office, this was still an average of 3,909 inhabitants.

However, the revenue of pharmacies has increased in real terms by more than one third from 2013 to 2023. However, the revenue has recently decreased: In 2023, pharmacies in Germany generated three percent less revenue than in the previous year.

Source: Statistisches Bundesamt (Federal Statistical Office) on pharmacies.

  1. Despite having a lower population density, pharmacies in Saarland still need to comply with regulations set by the German Pharmacy Association.
  2. The Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden, Hesse, provides comprehensive statistics on the healthcare sector, including the number of people served by pharmacies in each federal state.
  3. The differences in pharmacy population density across Germany's federal states and city-states are more prominent when looking at the workload, with Hesse being closely aligned with the nationwide average.
  4. In light of declining revenue due to market saturation in some regions, pharmacists in Germany are exploring alternative business models to maintain profitability, such as expanding services beyond traditional medication dispensing.

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