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A person is seriously injured in a stabbing attack

In a shelter for refugees and homeless people in Freiburg, a dispute between two men leads to one of them pulling out a knife.

In a shelter for refugees and homeless people, a stabbing occurred. (Picture symbol)
In a shelter for refugees and homeless people, a stabbing occurred. (Picture symbol)

Criminality - A person is seriously injured in a stabbing attack

A man was severely injured in a stabbing attack at a refugee and homeless shelter in Freiburg. The suspect was arrested and taken to a psychiatric institution. According to initial findings, there was a dispute between the 49-year-old victim and a 32-year-old man, the police reported today. The dispute escalated, leading to the 32-year-old attacking the victim with a knife at the throat.

The 49-year-old was taken to a clinic. His health condition has been stabilized. The suspect was arrested peacefully at the scene. He has a history of violent offenses. The motives behind the incident on Thursday remain unclear at this time.

The incident of criminality occurred in the peaceful city of Freiburg, located in Baden-Württemberg. The shelter for refugees and homeless individuals, where the stabbing attack occurred, provides crucial support to those in need. Despite his history of violent offenses, the suspect will now be under medical supervision in a psychiatric institution.

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