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A performance that hurts to watch

Biden's disaster in words

The reactions to Joe Biden's appearance are devastating.
The reactions to Joe Biden's appearance are devastating.

A performance that hurts to watch

In the first TV duel against Donald Trump, Joe Biden is supposed to quell doubts about his advanced age. The opposite occurs, even Trump seems surprised by Biden's disheveled performance on the US presidential debate stage in Atlanta. Among the Democrats, there is growing anxiety.

Joe Biden is struggling. With words, with numbers, with his voice. The US President stands next to Donald Trump on the television stage, stumbling, trying to steer an answer on state debts and the economic situation. In one sentence, he confuses billions and millions, in the next millions and billions. In between, he nervously twinkles. Then he begins a sentence that won't end.

"We would be able to ensure that all the things we need to do - child care, elder care, ensuring that we strengthen our healthcare system," says the 81-year-old, "ensuring that we're able to take care of every single person..." Biden has lost the thread. He closes his eyes and starts again. "Entitlements for... what I'm proposing with... the Covid..." He closes his eyes and rubs his eyes. "Excuse me, cough."

The most powerful man in the world looks down at his podium. "With handling... everything we have to do..." The Democrat looks further down at the podium. Trump turns to him, with a questioning look.

The painful pause drags on. Then Biden looks up, pushes something incomprehensible about healthcare aside, before CNN moderator Jake Tapper interrupts him and says: "Thank you, Mr. President." Biden's speaking time is up.

Disheveled, confused, overwhelmed

This is just one of many moments in the first debate between the two US presidential candidates where Biden comes across as disheveled, confused, and unable to keep up with the demands of the debate. That Trump, a convicted felon on the stage, a scandal-ridden politician who has attempted to sabotage democratic elections and spread shameless lies during this debate, fades into the background.

Biden may give the impression of being aggressive, attacking his opponent multiple times in unusual ways, labeling him a "loser," "sad sack," and even once as someone with the "moral integrity of a gutter rat." However, this comes across as weak rather than powerful. With a hoarse and sometimes quiet voice, Biden struggles through various responses that are often incoherent. In between, there are moments where he stares blankly into space with an open mouth.

The reactions to Biden's performance are devastating, especially within his own party. Biden's age and the debate about his physical and mental condition have been the biggest problem in the campaign for months. In this first encounter with Trump since four years ago, he was supposed to prove to the people in the country that he is capable of leading the country and defeating Trump. Exactly that does not happen.

Panic in the Party [

(Note: The last line of the original text was incomplete and could not be translated accurately without additional context.)

Self Vice President Kamala Harris admitted in front of the camera after the debate: "That was a rocky start, that's obvious to everyone." But the ending was strong. This assessment may surprise many viewers. In a first quick survey by CNN, Trump is the clear winner, with a wide margin. Even political commentators, who usually favor Biden, are shocked by the President's performance, speaking of a humiliation and a campaign disaster.

"There will be discussions about whether he should continue," says David Axelrod, Chief Strategist of Biden's former Chief, Ex-President Barack Obama. Immediately after the debate, Democrats are discussing the unthinkable question: Do they have to find a new candidate four months before the election?

Plan B?

"It's hard to argue that Biden should be our candidate," CNN quotes an unnamed party functionary. Others speak of "blank panic" in the party.

But could Biden really drop out of the race? Theoretically, yes. At the end of August, the Democrats are meeting for their National Convention in Chicago. They plan to officially nominate Biden there, but the party could quickly switch horses and designate a new candidate. Biden would have to step down voluntarily for this, but he has formally won the primaries of his party, and the delegates are currently bound to their results. Biden could, however, make health or family reasons public to withdraw gracefully. Whether he would be willing to do so is questionable.

In light of his struggles during the TV debates, concerns about Joe Biden's cognitive abilities continue to persist within the Democratic Party, leading to discussions about potential Plan B options for the US presidential election 2024 in politics. Despite his aggressive attacks towards Donald Trump, Biden's disorganized and often incoherent responses during the debates have raised concerns, with many viewing his performance as a humiliation and a campaign disaster.

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