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A pair of meerkats and a sizable fortune.

"What a disgusting mess!"

There are more than just two meerkats in the thrillers.
There are more than just two meerkats in the thrillers.

A pair of meerkats and a sizable fortune.

"Rufus & Ray's Adventures" return: Drunk raccoons infiltrate the glamorous world of the wealthy alongside their human pals, Phil and Harry Styles. This story involves high finance, drug empires, a wedding - and Harry Styles.

Harry Styles and the raccoons Rufus and Ray share something remarkable - they're all outrageously successful. One of them is a renowned singer with hits like "Watermelon Sugar" or "Love of My Life," while the others captivate fans with their thrilling escapades filled with hilarity and sharp dialogue. You'll be skeptical?

Allow us to illuminate - it's the ninth "Raccoon" crime novel from the writing team behind "Moritz Matthies," a duo of Hans Rath and Edgar Rai. "Wallet Full of Cash," published by dtv and Argon, is everything you'd expect: raw, compact, and to the point!

Rufus and Ray's quarter-life crisis

Rufus and Ray - like the leader of their clan, Rocky - experience a midlife crisis, longing for their past. Now settled in a desolate area of Brandenburg, these raccoons once inhabited the Berlin Zoo. They search their lives for purpose. Ray seeks to establish his own clan but faces rejection from girlfriend Natalie. The intelligent Rufus wants more freedom for Grete, the elected chief of their forest and meadow area, who they're raising. "Me-time" is the buzzword.

These raccoons miss the good old times, when they and Phil, a human private investigator adept in raccoon language due to his alcoholism, cracked challenging cases. Their most recent outing was as comedic entertainment on a cruise ship titled "Phil & Friends" with "Sink ships" as their motto.

Feeling lethargic and depressed, it's Montgomery - their Interpol female contact - that pulls them forward. Equipped with state-of-the-art James Bond gadgets, Rufus, Ray, and Phil are tasked with capturing the head of a Mexican drug cartel. The mysterious "Samtpfote" nickname intrigues them. A look-alike, as his face remains unknown. But one thing is certain: he'll attend a luxurious wedding on the French Riviera, hosted by a shrewd investment firm where they've wealthily invested. This wedding serves as the perfect cover.

Appointed as "Phil & Friends," the trio of raccoons infiltrate the high-society wedding scene to hunt their target. Ray partners with the groom, Rufus with the bride, while a discreetly controlled mini-Ferrari transports the wedding rings to the ceremony. "You're sweeter than sugar" to "A rough trip," the raccoon couple gleans life's adventures. Yet, "Samtpfote's" true identity is shrouded in mystery. Is it the female investment guru? The seemingly homosexual wedding planner? What about a permanently tipsy French vintner with his spouse? Maybe an influential couple or a German coffee baron who's a fraudster?

The clock ticks. Wedding preparation rumblings hover. No mistakes can occur because the climax of the event is a Harry Styles performance - the favorite Earthman. So, with JJ, a French rat who lives on the estate near - yes, really! - a green-striped lawn, Rufus and Ray embark on another exciting, whiskey-fueled, witty, and emotional adventure.

An audiobook production

Remember: be prepped for clever one-liners at your gatherings. "Madness is short, remorse is long," announces Rufus. "Rudi Völler?" inquiries Ray. "A Brazilian proverb," responds Rufus. And smart wisdom such as "two whiskies are excess, three are insufficient." Readers and listeners of the raccoons everywhere know what Humphrey Bogart's most significant error was: converting from Scotch to Martinis. I'm speaking straight to you, Junior: delayed realization.

"Plenty of Money" is the title. Fans of the "Erdmännchen" crime novels won't be disappointed. Even more so when you consider that the talented voice actor, Christoph Maria Herbst, lends his voice to several characters in the "Bums" series. The array of characters is diverse and impressive. From the gruff-voiced Interpol detective Montgomery to the fierce investment titan nicknamed "Rihanna of Wall Street," and not to mention the cunning Mexican drug lord and serial killer, the arrogant British snob, the snotty Frenchman, the fancy pest control expert, the proud family man, and the tech-savvy Rufus and the swaggering Ray. Herbst brings these characters to life, one by one. While Harry Styles sticks to being Harry Styles, it wouldn't be too far-fetched to think that he also enjoys the show.

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