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A municipal election candidate for the AfD party in Mannheim suffered a knife injury.

In Mannheim, once more, a knife attack targets an AfD local election candidate. It's likely the candidate has sustained cuts. The specifics of the incident remain uncertain.

An AfD municipal council candidate in Mannheim has been attacked with a knife. The police arrested...
An AfD municipal council candidate in Mannheim has been attacked with a knife. The police arrested the perpetrator.

Unlawful behavior or acts. - A municipal election candidate for the AfD party in Mannheim suffered a knife injury.

In Mannheim, a candidate for the local election from the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party was stabbed with a knife. This information was shared by the German Press Agency (dpa) on Wednesday, acquired from security sources. Police have apprehended the suspect. The event took place late on Tuesday evening, around 10:45 pm. The Mannheim police confirmed the incident in the morning, promising to disclose further updates later in the day.

As per the AfD district association, the incident transpired near the market square in the Mannheim area of Rheinau. It is reported that the AfD candidate for the city council had caught a few people in the act of stealing political posters. When he approached one of the suspects, he was knifed, according to AfD's statement. Two perpetrators managed to flee from the scene, said the AfD.

The dpa shared a video with the public, filmed by an AfD supporter. The individual can be seen chasing a younger man throughout the market square, screaming "Stop! Stand still!". The younger man is seen carrying AfD campaign posters and appears to hold a carpet knife. "Drop it right away!", the cameraman shouts. The video then captures footage of a struggle. The man with the knife is in view, swinging it around. The rest of the images appear blurry.

The AfD politician continues to receive medical treatment, but his injuries are reportedly minor cuts, as announced by the AfD state association. The party identifies the assailants as left-wing extremists, yet no official confirmation has been conveyed as of yet. "We're shocked and stunned," expressed AfD state chairperson Markus Frohnmaier.

In recent weeks, there have been multiple violent incidents involving politicians and political candidates that have sparked outrage. For instance, SPD campaigner Matthias Ecke was brutally assaulted in Dresden.

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The stabbing incident took place in the Mannheim area of Rheinau, near the market square. The incident involved the AfD candidate for the city council who had confronted suspects stealing political posters. The candidate was reportedly knife-wounded and the suspect was apprehended by the police. This occurred during the local elections in Mannheim, Germany. The incident was widely reported by the German Press Agency (dpa), amongst other media outlets in Germany. The AfD has identified the assailants as potential left-wing extremists.

