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A man threatened police officers with a knife

A man doesn't return to the hospital after an outing. When police find him, he presumably threatens them with a knife. They call the special response team.

Due to the chaotic situation, the patrol officers called for the SEK (Special Weapons and Tactics...
Due to the chaotic situation, the patrol officers called for the SEK (Special Weapons and Tactics team).

Criminality - A man threatened police officers with a knife

A 38-year-old man is reported to have threatened police with a knife and barricaded himself in his mother's apartment. The man failed to return to the clinic after an outing on Thursday, according to police. In response, officers searched for him and found him in his mother's apartment in Waldkraiburg (Mühldorf am Inn district), where he is alleged to have threatened police with a knife. Due to the unclear situation in the apartment, a Special Operations Command (SEK) was called in. However, before the special forces arrived, the officers were able to make contact with the man through the balcony and overpower him. They eventually took him back to the clinic.

The man hails from Waldkraiburg, a town located in Upper Bavaria's Mühldorf am Inn district. The incident of criminality involving the man caused a significant stir in Bavaria.

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