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A man shoots arrows with a bow at playing children

During play on the sports field, two children came under the observation of a resident. He subsequently received a visit from the police.

The police are investigating for attempted bodily harm (pictured)
The police are investigating for attempted bodily harm (pictured)

Lower Franconia - A man shoots arrows with a bow at playing children

A man in Unterfranken shot at playing children with a bow and arrow. The two siblings had played on a sports field in underfrankish Schweinfurt on a Sunday, when an arrow landed several meters away in the ground, according to the police. Neither of the children were reportedly injured. Their mother understood the situation with the police.

Shortly afterwards, the police found the alleged shooter along with the bow and arrow in a neighboring house. The officers reportedly discovered that the 53-year-old had apparently taken drugs. Why he had shot at the playing children remained unclear at first.

After a visit to the police station, the man was temporarily released. An investigation for attempted bodily harm is being conducted against him.

The incident occurred in the region of Lower Franconia, specifically in Unterfranken. Despite living in a Bayeran area, the shooter resorted to criminality on a sunny Sunday. The police in Swabiafort handling the case are still trying to understand the motive behind the man's unusual behavior towards the innocent playing children.

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