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A man reports to the police after rescuing a one-year-old

A small boy falls out of the window and has great luck - he is caught by a passerby. His possible savior has now identified himself.

In Darmstadt, a one-year-old boy fell from a window and was slightly injured (Picture symbol)
In Darmstadt, a one-year-old boy fell from a window and was slightly injured (Picture symbol)

Fall from third story - A man reports to the police after rescuing a one-year-old

After an unknown passerby picked up a small boy who had fallen from the third floor of a house on a Friday evening, a man went to the police station to report it. The police are now checking if it is indeed the boy's rescuer, as a police spokesperson in Darmstadt announced.

A passerby had found the child and taken him to a hospital after the fall, where he was reportedly slightly injured and taken in as a precaution. The boy had climbed out of a window, according to initial police investigations. The rescuer must have observed this and remained alert, a spokesperson said.

While the child's mother, who is 29 years old, was at the hospital with the child, a fire broke out in her apartment - and it is now uninhabitable. Preliminary investigations suggest that the fire may have been caused by burnt food. The seven-year-old brother of the boy was reportedly still in the apartment when his mother and brother were at the clinic. A quick response from the fire department prevented worse damage, it was reported. The seven-year-old was also taken to the hospital as a precaution.

  1. The mother expressed her heartfelt gratitude to the unknown passerby, acknowledging their good luck in being at the right place at the right time.
  2. The incident stirred up discussions in local schools and communities in Hesse, Germany, emphasizing the importance of emergency procedures and preventive measures.
  3. The police in Germany are considering rewarding the anonymous rescuer for their decisive actions, given the severe consequences that could have occurred without their intervention.
  4. The child's family was reassured by the fire department, who ensured them that necessary measures were in place to prevent similar accidents in the future.
  5. Following the events, the mother decided to learn first aid and CPR to better protect her children and empower other mothers in her community.

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