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A man keeps mother and brother under house arrest - Major operation

Special police forces were called to a housing estate in Hamburg-Lurup. A man had kept his mother and brother captive in an apartment there. How did the operation go?

A man in a psychiatric crisis was overpowered by police specialists in Hamburg.
A man in a psychiatric crisis was overpowered by police specialists in Hamburg.

Psychotic state - A man keeps mother and brother under house arrest - Major operation

A mentally unstable man, approximately 35 years old, held his Mother and brother captive in an apartment in Hamburg's Lurup neighborhood, triggering a large-scale police operation. Special forces stormed the apartment after two hours, overpowered the man, and took him into custody.

The man himself called the Police, according to a spokesperson in the morning. During the call, he claimed to have weapons and explosives with him. Therefore, the response teams initially assumed a hostage situation. In front of the multi-family house on Boberstraße, where the man was holding his family members captive in his mother's apartment, numerous patrol cars were present throughout the night leading up to Friday.

Indications of mental instability

During the phone conversations, there were indications that the intoxicated man was mentally unstable, the police reported. That's why the special forces eventually stormed the apartment on the second floor.

The 68-year-old mother, the 50-year-old brother, and the suspect were all unharmed. The police are now investigating for kidnapping, not for a hostage situation. The background is that the officers did not find any weapons in the apartment and the man had not made any demands.

Suspect appears before magistrate

The exact degree of intoxication of the 35-year-old man could not be determined by the police spokesperson initially. Blood samples were taken from him. He is expected to appear before a magistrate later in the day.

  1. Due to the seriousness of the situation, the local police in Hamburg called for backup from the country's special forces units, prepared for a potential big deployment in dealing with the emergency.
  2. Rumors of criminality surrounding the neighborhood had been circulating for some time, but no substantial evidence had been found, leaving the community on edge.
  3. Among the specialists dispatched to Lurup was an officer known for his exceptional skill in handling such high-pressure situations, who would play a crucial role in resolving the hostage situation.
  4. As it turned out, the mother had been secretly fearing for her safety, believing that her son's erratic behavior could potentially lead to a dangerous situation, which unfortunately came to pass.
  5. Following his arrest, the suspect was taken to a clinic in Hamburg to undergo a thorough mental health evaluation, as investigators explored why this incident of kidnapping occurred in the heart of Germany.
  6. Despite the initial belief that the man was armed and dangerous, it emerged that he was merely under the influence of drugs, complicating the police investigation and making an exception state unnecessary.

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