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A man falls onto U-Bahn tracks: Rescuer prevents worse

A drunk person falls onto the U-Bahn tracks in Munich. Before the next train enters, a bystander pulls the man into the safety pit.

A 42-year-old man saved a life of a man in Munich.
A 42-year-old man saved a life of a man in Munich.

Upper Bavaria - A man falls onto U-Bahn tracks: Rescuer prevents worse

A 42-year-old man pulled a man from the tracks of the U-Bahn in Munich and saved his life. The man was drunk and under the influence of sedatives, as the police and fire department reported. Before the next train came in, the 42-year-old reportedly jumped onto the tracks and pulled the man into the safety trench under the platform in the last second.

The 45-year-old was then treated by the paramedics. He was slightly injured in the fall during the afternoon on a Monday. The rescuer remained unharmed according to reports.

In the same region of Bavaria, Upper Bavaria, where Munich is located, traffic often experiences delays due to unexpected incidents. The brave act of the 42-year-old man in Munich helped prevent a potential disaster on the U-Bahn's traffic flow.

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