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A majority of Germans find Merkel crisis-raft than Scholz


Ex-Chancellor Angela Merkel turns 70 (archive photo)
Ex-Chancellor Angela Merkel turns 70 (archive photo)

A majority of Germans find Merkel crisis-raft than Scholz

**A majority of Germans believe that Angela Merkel has better led the country through various crises as Chancellor than her successor Olaf Scholz is currently doing. According to a survey published on a Wednesday by RTL and ntv, 55 percent of respondents held this view. Four percent believe Merkel has led the country worse than Scholz, while 36 percent see no significant differences between the two.

Merkel, who celebrates her 70th birthday on a Wednesday, is reportedly missed by a majority, but not by a large one. In response to the statement "Sometimes you miss Angela Merkel as Chancellor," 58 percent of those surveyed said "no." Forty percent reportedly answered that they sometimes missed the CDU politician as Chancellor.

Those expressing this opinion, according to the survey, were disproportionately Union party supporters, young people, and supporters of the BSW. In Eastern Germany, 43 percent reportedly miss Merkel. Merkel served as Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic from 2005 to 2021 and as CDU Chairman from 2000 to 2018.

The Institute Forsa conducted the RTL/ntv "Trendbarometer" survey on July 12 and 15, 2022. The statistical error tolerance was given as plus/minus three percentage points.**

Despite Olaf Scholz currently facing criticism for his leadership, a significant number of Germans still believe that Angela Merkel, the former Chancellor, handled crises better during her tenure. According to a survey conducted by RTL and ntv, German Chancellor Merkel, who turned 70 recently, ismissed by a disproportionate number of Union party supporters, young people, and supporters of the BSW, with 43% of Eastern Germans explicitlyexpressing this sentiment.

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