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A Green candidate for chancellor? Absolutely not!

Robert Habeck and Annalena Baerbock are engaged in a secret duel for the next chancellor candidacy. However, if the majority of Germans have their way, the Greens should give it up altogether.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck tussle in the background for...
Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck tussle in the background for the next Green Party chancellor candidacy

stern survey - A Green candidate for chancellor? Absolutely not!

Three years ago, Robert Habeck yielded the spot to a woman: Annalena Baerbock became the Green Party's Chancellor candidate. The federal election did not go as hoped for the party then. Chancellor was Olaf Scholz from the SPD – and Habeck became Vice-Chancellor. Since then, the politician has found himself in the pole position for the next federal election. His Instagram videos, for example, are as statesmanlike and empathetic as many Germans would want from a Chancellor. However, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock also uses her appearances on the world politics stage for her own profiling. It is a more or less open competition for the next nomination of a Green Chancellor candidate – or even a female Chancellor candidate.

Only their own voters want a Chancellor candidate

According to a stern-survey, 56 percent of Germans are against the Greens putting forward a Chancellor candidate or Chancellor candidate again in the next federal election. Thirty-nine percent are in favor. Five percent have no opinion. Compared to November 2023, the proportion of supporters has decreased by six percentage points.

The Greens have halved their values in the Sunday question in the past two years. The highest value was 25 percent. Now, the party only reaches eleven or twelve percent. It has slipped to fourth place behind the CDU/CSU, AfD, and SPD. However, the supporters of the Greens still see the idea of a Chancellor candidacy positively: 84 percent are in favor of putting forward their own candidate. Of voters from other parties, only those from the SPD (56 percent) agree. Particularly strong is the rejection among supporters of the Left Alliance (79 percent) and the AfD (85 percent). But even among FDP voters, 61 percent are against it.

The data were collected by the market and opinion research institute forsa for stern and RTL Germany on June 27 and 28, 2024 by telephone. Sample size: 1002 respondents. Therefore, the survey is representative. Statistical error tolerance: +/- 3 percentage points

Despite the survey results indicating that a majority of Germans (56%) are against the Greens nominating a Chancellor candidate again in the next federal election, 84% of their own supporters are in favor of it. The candidacy of Annalena Baerbock, the current Green Party's Chancellor candidate, remains a topic of interest, as she continues to profile herself on the world politics stage. Robert Habeck, who yielded the spot to Baerbock three years ago, has emerged as a leading contender for the next federal election, with his empathetic Instagram videos being well-received by many Germans.

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