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A German tourist drowned in the North Sea

Misfortune in Bergen aan Zee

The Dutchlifesaving Brigade KNRM attempted to revive the man - without success. (Archival image)
The Dutchlifesaving Brigade KNRM attempted to revive the man - without success. (Archival image)

A German tourist drowned in the North Sea

Despite strong currents and heavy wind, a father swims in the North Sea with his son in the evening. The 42-year-old tourist pays for the trip with his life. The Dutch lifesavers cannot do anything more for the German, the son remains unharmed.

In the Netherlands, a German tourist drowned in the North Sea. With a large team of helpers and a helicopter, attempts were made to rescue the man on the beach of Bergen aan Zee in Alkmaar, according to the Dutch Royal Lifesaving Society KNRM.

As reported by the newspaper "Noordhollands Dagblad", the 42-year-old had gone swimming with his son against the evening, and then got into difficulties due to the currents and strong wind.

Other people noticed the distress of the two and alerted the helpers. A rescue helicopter landed directly on the beach. Two kitesurfers brought the German and his son to the shore. There, efforts were made for a long time to revive the man. However, this was unsuccessful, as the newspaper reported. The son remained physically unharmed. The origin of the tourists from Germany was not disclosed.

Following the incident, international media outlets expressed their condolences for the German tourist. Despite the rescue efforts, accidents in the North Sea remain a concern, especially during unfavorable weather conditions.

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