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A French educator physically disciplines a three-year-old pupil.

A recording captured on a mobile device in a French preschool has triggered widespread indignation. The footage depicts a teacher administering strikes to a three-year-old child's back.

- A French educator physically disciplines a three-year-old pupil.

In France, a video of a preschool teacher pushing a three-year-old to the ground has caused an uproar. France's Education Minister, Nicole Belloubet, expressed her disbelief and promptly suspended the teacher, initiating procedural actions. The child's mother has lodged a complaint.

The controversy arose following the release of the recording, taken by another parent present in the classroom. The footage depicts the teacher forcefully pushing the distressed girl, resulting in her falling to the ground. The clip has been making its rounds on the web since Monday.

This unfortunate incident took place last week in a prosperous dormitory of Paris. The three-year-old had joined the school the day prior, as school attendance is mandatory from the age of three in France.

Prior to 2019, physical punishment of children in France was not explicitly outlawed. The Council of Europe advocated for improved child protection as late as 2015. It wasn't until the aforementioned year that a law prohibiting such punishment was enacted. However, alternative forms of punishment, such as detainment, remain prevalent in French educational institutions.

The preschool teacher's actions have sparked concern among the parents of other children in the school. Despite the mandatory school attendance from the age of three, many parents are now questioning the safety and discipline methods in the educational institution.

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