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A deputy from the SPD's parliamentary group supports a fresh approach to migration issues.

Gleaning Insights from Denmark

The spokesman for the conservative Seeheimer Kreis in the SPD: Dirk Wiese urges course corrections.
The spokesman for the conservative Seeheimer Kreis in the SPD: Dirk Wiese urges course corrections.

A deputy from the SPD's parliamentary group supports a fresh approach to migration issues.

"Rather than following SPD Faction Leader Mützenich's stance, SPD Vice-Faction Leader Wiese highlights the need for a thorough evaluation of the party's lackluster showing in the European elections. Dirk Wiese believes that the Social Democrats in Denmark present a blueprint for a more stringent asylum policy of the government.

Dirk Wiese, the SPD Vice-Faction leader, looks to the Danish Social Democrats as a model for stricter asylum policies implemented by the ruling party. "We must study the trends of the Nordic Social Democrats closely," Wiese said to the "Tagesspiegel." Though not everything there is directly transferable or desirable in Germany, he admires the recent course set by Social Democracy in Denmark that led to electoral success and thwarted extremist parties.

A conservative Seeheimer Circle spokesperson within the SPD faction mentioned in the paper, "We need to discuss this in the SPD without taboos and learn from these experiences." This comment resonates with Wiese himself. However, he also criticized the statements of Juso Chairperson Philipp Türmer following the election. "We cannot ignore problems to avoid following right-wing narratives," Wiese cautioned. Contrary to what Türmer proposed, this conclusion is misguided.

Wiese also disapproved of the previous handling of the election results. "After the European election, we cannot attribute the poor result solely to poor communication," said the SPD's Vice-Fraction leader to the paper. Earlier, Mützenich had made similar arguments, with Scholz pledging undying support without demanding a course correction.

"SPD should address working families' concerns about migration"

"The party must focus significantly more on the working family - those who wake up every morning and keep the country running," Wiese emphasized. The SPD must take the concerns of people related to migration more seriously. Most people support migration but are adamant about maintaining the rule of law.

Wiese added, "You expect those who do not follow the rules or lack asylum grounds to leave the country." The SPD should make this stance clearer moving forward. He also called for more migration agreements to increase deportations and an end to the fundamental deportation ban for Afghanistan. "Those who commit capital crimes must leave our country," Wiese stated. The Federal Ministry of the Interior is currently considering these measures. "Our security interests come first," said the SPD politician.

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