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A defense expert finds that Germany needs to strengthen its intelligence services


A defense expert finds that Germany needs to strengthen its intelligence services.
A defense expert finds that Germany needs to strengthen its intelligence services.

A defense expert finds that Germany needs to strengthen its intelligence services

After a US media report about Russian assassination plans against Rheinmetall-CEO Armin Papperger, CDU defense politician Roderich Kiesewetter called for strengthening German intelligence services.

"It's about our intelligence services being able to clarify things better, without the transmission regulations being impeded," he said in the ZDF-"Morgenmagazin". The German services should be brought up to par with those of neighboring countries.

According to a report by the US broadcaster CNN, US intelligence services discovered Russian government plans to assassinate Papperger at the beginning of the year. A German government official confirmed to the broadcaster that such warnings had been received in Berlin.

To contain the danger on German soil, "it's not enough to expel one or another Russian diplomat," Kiesewetter emphasized. He welcomed the decision to station US long-range missiles in Germany.

"We need to prepare ourselves so that we are not politically or militarily extortable by Russia. And that's why this rearmament is necessary." It needs to be explained better - also by Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz. "Here, the Chancellor needs to give the population a clear account of how great the threat really is."

"Given the Rheinmetall-Attachment-Plans and the potential threat posed by Russia, it's crucial for Germany's intelligence services to have the necessary resources and capabilities to monitor such situations effectively."

"In light of the alleged Russian assassination plans and the need for Germany's defense, a defense expert like Kiesewetter might suggest incorporating Rheinmetall-Attachment-Plans into the Rheinmetall-CEO's defense strategy, in collaboration with Germany's intelligence services."

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