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'A deep growl preceded an abrupt attack': Narrating the harrowing ordeal of a man who emerged unscathed from a bear encounter in Alaska's untamed wilderness

A gentleman encountered a close brush with death by a brown bear during a hiking expedition in Alaska's untamed wilderness, accompanied by his father, within the past few days.

In an incident that occurred while hunting in the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, Tyler Johnson and his...
In an incident that occurred while hunting in the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, Tyler Johnson and his father were attacked by a brown bear. Remarkably, Johnson managed to shoot himself in his leg during the attack. Subsequently, he captured on film the events that unfolded shortly after.

'A deep growl preceded an abrupt attack': Narrating the harrowing ordeal of a man who emerged unscathed from a bear encounter in Alaska's untamed wilderness

thirty-two-year-old Tyler Johnson was exploring off-path in the Kenai Peninsula of south-central Alaska, joining his father on a hunting expedition, when they stumbled upon a brown bear. Suddenly, they found themselves in an exposed region, at least two miles distant from the closest road, according to Johnson's account.

"It was a growl, followed by an immediate charge," Johnson shared with CNN on Wednesday, stating that the incident transpired in about four seconds.

The bear had been frightened by their presence and headed toward his father at first, Johnson revealed.

As the bear knocked Johnson to the ground and bit his leg, he drew his 10mm pistol and discharged the entire clip into the bear, unfortunately, striking his own calf with a bullet by mistake.

“Dad, I shot myself”

Johnson vividly described how bears dive into every move with all their might and continue until their final breath.

“Every move a bear makes is deliberate. They don’t half-heartedly pursue an action,” he said. “When a bear comes to a halt, it’s either dead or close to death.”

Both the father and son targeted the bear, eventually eliminating it, according to Johnson. Immediately following the attack, they sought to control the wound.

“I examined my leg and said, ‘Dad, I shot myself,’” Johnson shared.

His father fashioned a tourniquet below Johnson’s knee and wrapped the wound in gauze. Shortly after, his father contacted emergency responders via an SOS from the unforgiving locale to notify them of his injured son's predicament, requiring rescue services.

Chris Johnson, his father, has served as an Alaska State Trooper for several years and has previously worked for the US Fish and Wildlife Service for more than three decades. Tyler Johnson credited his father's familiarity with bear attacks for potentially saving his life.

The adrenaline coursing through Johnson's body muted his pain immediately after the incident, he said.

“In all honesty, getting shot, the bear mauling me, I wasn’t in pain at the time,” he confessed, adding that it felt like pressure or a charley horse in his leg.

While awaiting rescue, Johnson documented the scene post-attack with four videos of the aftermath. Sensations of pain overpowered him as soon as he completed the recordings. He focused on breath control, listened to music, and engaged his father in stories about previous memorable hunting experiences to distract himself from the agonizing pain in his leg.

However, one element kept Johnson afloat: his father's unwavering support and comforting presence.

Managing the wait for rescue

“It’s those little things that can help you navigate through difficult times. Realizing that you’re there with the one person you would want by your side was incredibly comforting,” he said.

Upon their arrival, rescue personnel wrapped Johnson in a tarp and hauled him to a helicopter, Johnson reported. He was moved to a hospital in Anchorage, as confirmed by the Alaska Department of Public Safety in a statement.

Johnson recalled being given an IV while en route to the hospital. Later, he was administered pain medication when he was settled in his hospital room.

Johnson reported being in recovery with a bandaged wound and antibiotics, avoiding any surgical interventions.

Johnson later learned that troopers returned to the site of the assault and discovered a cub in the area, he said officials informed him. At the time, Johnson was confused about why the bear had demonstrated such aggressive behavior towards him.

Johnson was scheduled to begin a new job in Austin, Texas, as soon as the hiking excursion concluded. His spouse and young son had already moved there and maintained contact with him during his recovery process.

He is slated to complete his recuperation in Anchorage within the week and return to Austin to launch his new job.

In the midst of their ordeal, Tyler Johnson realized he had accidentally shot himself, saying, "Dad, I shot myself."

Despite the pain, Johnson found solace in his father's unwavering support, stating, "Realizing that you're there with the one person you would want by your side was incredibly comforting."

Tyler Johnson, along with his experienced hunting companion, Chris Johnson, have a history of pursuing black bears in the Alaskan wilderness.

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