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A CDU politician in Cottbus was insulted and attacked with racist remarks.

Awemo gives itself courageously

Politician Awemo, member of the first Integration and Migration Council, at the Old Market of the...
Politician Awemo, member of the first Integration and Migration Council, at the Old Market of the city Cottbus.

A CDU politician in Cottbus was insulted and attacked with racist remarks.

CDU Politician Awemo Insulted and Attacked While Hanging Election Posters due to Racist Motives, Police Investigating

A CDU politician named Adeline Abimnwi Awemo was physically assaulted and insulted while hanging election posters with family members in the Brandenburg city of Cottbus, according to the police. Awemo was attacked by an unknown woman, who hit her on the neck and made statements like "You're not humans."

Awemo had to be treated at a hospital after the incident on Thursday evening but has since been released. Investigations were launched against the suspected perpetrator, a 29-year-old woman, for incitement to hatred with bodily harm. The police stated that she had no previous record for such offenses.

The police believe, based on the current investigation, that the attack on the Cameroon-born politician, who holds German citizenship, was motivated by racist reasons. The suspect herself reported Awemo for bodily harm, according to further information. Intensive investigations by the criminal police are ongoing.

"Together we will make it work"

Awemo thanked the police and first responders. "I went into politics to work with people and make a difference," she shared. She will "remain the Cottbus resident who engages for the people" there. "Together we will make it work," she declared. Awemo sits on the Cottbus Integration and Migration Committee for the CDU.

The Brandenburg CDU chairman, Jan Redmann, stated: "The increasing risk for people who engage politically in our country is unacceptable." He announced his intention to travel to Cottbus to support Awemo in her campaign. "All those who fuel polarization in our society and contribute to the growing hatred and violence are responsible for this act," he criticized. The General Secretary of the Federal CDU, Carsten Linnemann, condemned the attack sharply. He stated that it "shows exemplarily what is slipping out of control in our country." "Hatred and violence are increasing, the polarization spiral is spinning faster," he warned.

For the Brandenburg Greens, Spitzenkandidatin Antje Töpfer stated: "We are appalled by this incident and condemn the act in the strongest terms." She described it as a "cowardly and despicable attack on an engaged politician." The Greens stand "solidarily at the side of the affected candidate." The responsible parties must be held accountable. The Spitzenkandidat of the Brandenburger Left, Sebastian Walter, stated: "Attacks on politicians are now also affecting the CDU, making it clear how widespread the polarization and violence are." Anyone who attacks candidates is attacking "the democracy as a whole." There should be "no justification for that."

In the past few months, politicians have been attacked across Germany. A new Landtag is to be elected in Brandenburg on September 22.

The attack on Awemo, a CDU politician in Cottbus, has sparked condemnation from various political parties due to suspected racist motives. This is not an isolated incident, as attacks on politicians have become more common recently in Germany.

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