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A CDU foreign policy expert expects Trump's election win

Aren't you prepared yet, traffic light?

CDU foreign policy politician calculates with Trump's election win
CDU foreign policy politician calculates with Trump's election win

A CDU foreign policy expert expects Trump's election win

The big question still stands: Who will win the US elections? The former Transatlantic Coordinator Beyer expects a win for Trump and calls for better preparation. In the CDU, it is assumed that Europe will have to adapt to stricter trade politics.

The former Transatlantic Coordinator of the German government, Peter Beyer, expects a victory for the Republican Donald Trump to be likely. "Joe Biden's decision to not run for president will make the race for the White House a bit more open. But I don't believe that another Democratic candidate will prevent a win for Donald Trump", said the CDU foreign politician to the "Rheinische Post".

He criticized the traffic light coalition for insufficient preparation for such a scenario. "The German government should be well advised in dealing with Trump's camp and the Republican Party. The Chancellor has been too focused on his friend Joe Biden for too long", Beyer criticized. "That's catching up with us now. It would have been important to stay in touch with the Trump camp", so Beyer. Germany will not be able to avoid taking on more responsibility in NATO and within Europe. "In particular, in security policy, this will be important. Chancellor Olaf Scholz and the traffic light ministers are still too cautious", said Beyer.

Thomas Silberhorn, spokesman for transatlantic relations for the Union faction, also calls for intensifying relations with Trump's camp. "We need stable personal contacts with the defense and trade experts of the Republicans, who have already activated Canada, but the federal government has not", said Silberhorn.

However, regardless of how the election turns out, Chancellor Olaf Scholz must prepare himself for an uncomfortable colleague in the White House, said Johann Wadephul, deputy leader of the Union faction, to the "Tagesspiegel". "The USA are becoming increasingly protectionist, the Inflation Reduction Act was probably just the first step."

Foreign Policy: Harris will put more pressure on Europe

Wadephul also sees other difficulties: "We Germans must get used to the fact that Harris would be a president who is less interested in Europe than Biden", said the CDU foreign politician. "For Harris, the transatlantic relationship and America's geopolitical role are less important than for Biden. But of course, a President Harris would be better for Germany and the EU than a President Trump. Harris accepts the EU and stands by NATO."

Similarly, SPD foreign politician Metin Hakverdi sees it that way. He told the "Tagesspiegel" that Harris would soon demand more security policy concessions from Europe: "As a candidate and as a president, Kamala Harris will put pressure on Europeans, demand military engagement, and will consistently demand that all NATO partners meet the 2% target." It's good that Germany is now realizing this, but it must continue to do so. In trade policy, Hakverdi sees "many commonalities between Harris and the EU. She is not a trade warrior." She wants reliable supply chains, sees trade as a value in itself.

The CDU, recognizing the potential for stricter trade politics in the US under a Trump victory, urges better preparation. Referencing the US elections, Thomas Silberhorn from the Union faction advocates for strengthening ties with any future Republican administration, specifically mentioning the need for dialogue with Donald Trump's camp.

Despite anticipating a more protectionist stance from a potential President Harris, the CDU's Johann Wadephul acknowledges that she would be better for Germany and the EU than a President Trump, accepting the EU and maintaining support for NATO.

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