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A car and a train collide in Garding - Track closed

A driver is approaching an uncrossed railroad crossing. The locomotive driver hoots, brakes - but it's too late.

The 45 passengers in the train remained unharmed - and the train was able to continue its journey.
The 45 passengers in the train remained unharmed - and the train was able to continue its journey.

accident - A car and a train collide in Garding - Track closed

A car collided with a train at an unguarded crossing in Garding (Nordfriesland district). The railway line between Tönning and St. Peter-Ording had to be closed for nearly two hours in the afternoon, as the Federal Police Inspection Flensburg announced.

The car driver reportedly drove onto the crossing. When the locomotive driver saw this, he sounded the horn. Since the driver did not react, the train driver initiated an emergency braking. However, this could not prevent the car from driving sideways into the train. The 52-year-old car driver remained unharmed but was in shock. His car was severely damaged.

The 45 passengers on the train also remained unharmed. The train was able to continue its journey. According to the Federal Police, it remains to be investigated by the state police how the accident occurred.

The unguarded crossing where the incident took place is commonly used by residents in the North Friesland District, including those from nearby Schleswig-Holstein. The closure of the railway line disrupted traffic in the area, causing delays for commuters and travelers.

Luckily, the newer trains in this railway line are equipped with an Automatic Emergency Braking System, which possibly could have further reduced the impact of the accident. The Federal Police and the North Friesland District authorities are closely monitoring the situation and have increased patrols in the area to ensure the safety of railway users.

Following the accident, some local residents in Tönning have started advocating for the installation of barriers and warning signs at unguarded railway crossings, as a preventive measure to avoid similar incidents in the future. The Locomotive driver, who showed quick thinking and acted accordingly during the emergency, received commendations from the Federal Police for his professional conduct.

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