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A Berlin-based Jewish student initiates a legal action against the university.

Students Physically Attacked by Peers at School.

Comedian Shahak Shapira announced on X that the victim was his brother Lahav.
Comedian Shahak Shapira announced on X that the victim was his brother Lahav.

Once again, the Free University of Berlin finds itself in hot water over the violent assault of Jewish student, Lahav Shapira. As per the administrative court in Berlin, a case has been filed against the university. In the lawsuit, Shapira alleges the university enabled "antisemitic speech to escalate into action." The 31-year-old sustained facial bone fractures following a beating by a 23-year-old Palestinian, fellow student in Berlin-Mitte's nightlife district. The Berlin Prosecutor's Office is investigating charges of grievous bodily harm, viewing the act as antisemitic and linking it to the Middle East conflict. The investigation is currently ongoing, according to a spokesperson.

Shapira aims to hold the Free University (FU) responsible. He cites Paragraph 5b of the Berlin Higher Education Act, which mandates universities to prevent discrimination – even due to an "antisemitic label." "It boils down to the fact that the university allowed an antisemitic environment to persist for far too long. The university, according to the Higher Education Act, has the duty to ensure a discrimination-free atmosphere. And that, it failed to do," Shapira asserted in the ZDF-"Frontal" program.

The university is charged with "failing to implement adequate measures to prevent antisemitic discrimination against the plaintiff, as well as other Jewish students, or to structurally eradicate it." According to the 16-page complaint, the timeline for the administrative court hearing the matter remains unclear. The spokesperson mentioned that the case has just begun.

In the wake of the attack, the Berlin Senate plans to bolster the Higher Education Act. The opposition criticizes the proposed strengthening. A week ago, the Left made a statement in the Science Committee of the House of Representatives, advocating for the victim's protection. Their goal should be to prevent the victim from encountering the perpetrator in a lecture, but the planned amendment from SPD and CDU may lead to a lengthy expulsion process following conviction.

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