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A bear injured tourists in Norditaly

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In the provincia Trentino of South Tyrol, around one hundred adult Brown Bears live.
In the provincia Trentino of South Tyrol, around one hundred adult Brown Bears live.

A bear injured tourists in Norditaly

In the past year, a jogger was killed by a bear attack in North Italy's region Trentino-South Tyrol. Another person is attacked again in the region. The animal injured a tourist from France on arms and legs. The rescue teams flew him to the hospital.

Another bear attack on a person in the north Italian region Trentino-South Tyrol reignites the debate on coexistence between man and beast. A French tourist was surprised and attacked by a bear during a hike in the popular province of Trentino, as the province announced. The 43-year-old man was injured in the attack and taken to a hospital in Trento.

The Frenchman was jogging, according to the province's announcement, early in the morning in the forest in the commune of Dro, north of Lake Garda. It was there that the attack occurred. The man called for help and sustained injuries to his arms and legs. Rescue teams came to his aid and transported him to the hospital via helicopter. His life is not in danger. Forest rangers are conducting investigations and surveys to identify the bear.

Encounters with bears are common in Trentino. Last year, a jogger was attacked and killed by a she-bear in the area. The she-bear responsible for the attack was separated from her cubs and put in a cage. In response to the incident, the provincial administration announced two months ago that they would relocate bear JJ4 to a protected area in the Black Forest.

As a reaction to the fatal incident, a legislative proposal was recently approved, which aims to limit the spread of the bear population. It allows for the killing of up to eight bears per year. The bear population in Trentino has recently expanded significantly. According to the latest report from the province, there are approximately a hundred adult brown bears in the area.

The recent bear attack on a French tourist during his jog in Dro, north of Lake Garda, sparked international concern and discussions about bear safety in Trentino-South Tyrol. In light of multiple bear attacks in the region within a year, many countries are expressing their concerns about the increasing bear population in Italy.

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