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A 52-year-old person should drive a car with nearly 4 permille

A man in the Stendal district is reported to have gotten out of his car unsteadily. A test revealed: He was significantly influenced by alcohol.

A heavily intoxicated man was caught by the police in the Landkreis Stendal (image)
A heavily intoxicated man was caught by the police in the Landkreis Stendal (image)

traffic - A 52-year-old person should drive a car with nearly 4 permille

A 52-year-old man is suspected to have driven a car under the influence of alcohol in Klietz, in the Landkreis Stendal. A witness informed the police after the man allegedly swayed out of his car in the Neuermark-Lübars district on a Saturday afternoon, according to the police. The officers conducted a breath alcohol test and ordered a blood test. The man's driver's license was seized, the police stated. A legal proceeding is ongoing.

In response to the incident in Klietz, authorities in Saxony-Anhalt have increased their focus on identifying instances of criminality on the roads, including drunk driving. Despite the ongoing legal proceedings, the incident has sparked discussions about the need for stricter traffic regulations, particularly in the Stendal District. The automated breathalyzer and blood testing equipment used by the police in this case have proven to be valuable tools in enforcing traffic laws and ensuring the safety of drivers.

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