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A 22-year-old firefighter has gone missing after being deployed in Offingen.

Flooding updates in real-time

Söder during his visit to Reichertshofen.
Söder during his visit to Reichertshofen.

A 22-year-old firefighter has gone missing after being deployed in Offingen.

A man aged 22 went missing during an evacuation operation in Offingen, in the Günzburg district. The police headquarters in Schwaben South confirmed the incident. The man was in a boat with an associate from the local volunteer fire department, along with three DLRG helpers, when the vessel overturned at approximately 2:50 am. While four of them were rescued, the young man remains unaccounted for. He has been searched for since early morning, with two helicopters joining the effort. A firefighter aged 42, who also passed away in the flood disaster, has already been identified.

As the new week begins, there continues to be no respite from the incessant rainfall in southern German flood zones. Weather report suggests the presence of widespread continuous and heavy rain, accompanied by localized thunderstorm cells.

Residents in Rottmannshart, Westenhausen, Lindach, Ernsgaden, Irsching, and Knodorf of the Pfaffenhofen district have been asked to move to higher floors immediately, as there is a potential dam break on the Paar river. The authorities urge people to avoid basements or cellars and call 112 in case of any emergency.

Some 40,000 relief workers are actively tackling the floods throughout Bavaria, according to Bavaria's Minister President, Markus Söder. He emphasizes the need to ensure effective relief management in the coming hours as those working for extended periods may become fatigued, increasing the risk of making errors and endangering lives.

In Straubing, growing floodwaters are expected to reach the highest alert level four by the end of the day. City authorities have set up dam guards, with firefighters stationed to monitor water levels and report any related damage to the dam. There's also a continuous effort to fill more sandbags for protection.

In the Pfaffenhofen district, a dam has broken in Baar-Ebenhausen, potentially affecting the communities of Reichertshofen, Baar-Ebenhausen, and Manching. Vicinity residents are advised to leave their ground floors as soon as possible.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz acknowledged the rescue efforts made by emergency personnel and helpers in the flood-stricken regions. He expressed his condolences upon learning about the death of a firefighter in Pfaffenhofen, condemning the tragedy and sympathizing with his colleagues and family. The 42-year-old firefighter from the Volunteer Fire Department is said to have perished when a rescue boat capsized in the vicinity of Affalterbach and Uttenhofen due to severe waterlogging.

At the closing mass of the Catholic Day in Erfurt, the chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, Georg Bätzing, offered words of hope for those impacted by the recent storms. He wished for the preservation of human lives and the effective dispelling of the storm's effects.

Water levels in the Meckenbeuren area, situated in the Bodenseekreis, have reached alarming heights. The districts of Kehlen and Brochenzell were submerged by the overflowing Schussen river. The municipality representative reported that nearly 1300 people had voluntarily evacuated their homes on Saturday to seek safety, with some residents opting to stay on higher floors. The water level of the Schussen rose to around 4.86 meters on Saturday evening, while it's normally only 45 centimeters deep. Despite reduction since then, the risk remains palpable.

Bavaria's Minister President honored the deceased firefighter in memoriam. The 42-year-old perished during his commendable service in the Bavarian flood region, affirming his unrelenting commitment towards his fellow beings.

Ukraine's footballing fraternity had to adjust their training as rain showers thwarted their plans for a match against Germany's national team. Their original training grounds were deemed unviable, forcing them to relocate.

Heavy downpours have caused problems across Germany, affecting the Ukrainian national football team's training plans, flooding basements and garages in Munich, and causing a dam to break in Anhausen. The Technical Relief Organization (THW) is sending more staff to help with the flood situation, and rescue efforts continue in Schwäbisch Gmünd where an ICE train derailed due to a landslide. A firefighter has unfortunately died in Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, and several areas in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg remain at the highest flood alert level 4. The weather service is predicting more heavy rain for the south of the country.

In the west, the Ukrainian football team had to change their final training session plans due to heavy rains. They planned to practice at 6:00 pm on Sunday at the Max-Morlock-Stadion in Nuremberg before their EM test match against the German national football team. However, they decided to train in Erlangen instead to spare the stadium's lawn. In Nuremberg, they will play against the German team on Monday at 8:45 pm on ARD.

In the south, the flood situation in Munich has been ongoing for hours. The fire department has been kept busy with more than 290 interventions since 6:00 am on Saturday. They've mainly had to pump out flooded basements and garages, as well as dealing with uprooted trees and closed streets. The flood warning level 2 was exceeded on Saturday evening.

Further south in Anhausen, the situation is slowly improving. However, water levels are still critical in other places. There was a dam break five kilometers away which flooded the area in a short time, but now people who were evacuated are gradually returning.

THW is sending more staff to help in the flood-affected areas in southern Germany. Currently, over 1800 people are on duty. They're securing dams, filling sandbags, and assisting with evacuation efforts. The fire department and other emergency services are also responding.

In the east of Baden-Württemberg, the threat of a century-old flood is real. Rescue teams and helpers are at their limits in this region as well.

Söder during his visit to Reichertshofen.

In Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, a firefighter has died. He was with three other firefighters in a rescue boat when it capsized. He was found dead in the morning.

Numerous areas in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg are still at flood alert level 4, with a focus on the southern Danube tributaries of Gunz, Mindel, Zusam, Schmutter, Paar, Abens, Ilm, and Amper, as well as the upper Danube. The peak of the flooding has passed, but the water is moving downstream, possibly affecting places like Neuburg, Kelheim, Regensburg, and Straubing. The highest water levels are expected at Muhlried in Schrobenhausen district and Manching and Geisenfeld in Upper Bavaria on Sunday.

According to the German Weather Service (DWD), there is a risk of further heavy thunderstorms with heavy rain in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg on Sunday. This could lead to more flooded streets and cellars, and a risk of lightning damage. These areas are at risk until Monday night.

In flooded areas of Augsburg, officials are urging people to evacuate immediately from the communities of Kühlenthal and Allmannshofen. The integrated control center issued this warning early this morning, with buses being made available for those unable to leave on their own.

In other parts of the district, residents were asked to leave their homes and apartments on Saturday evening and Sunday morning, especially those around the Schmutter tributary, a branch of the Danube.

Authorities in Wiesbaden are taking action against rising water levels on the Rhine and Main Rivers. A flood protection wall has been built in the Kostheim district, while a pump has been installed in the Schierstein district, facing the Rhine. Parking lots near the rivers should be avoided in the coming days, the fire department advised.

Long-distance train traffic between Stuttgart and Munich has been suspended due to a landslide in the Baden-Württemberg town of Schwäbisch Gmünd. Currently, no estimated time of reopening is available for the affected line. The blockage is caused by the landslide at the bypass between Aalen and Stuttgart which has already caused a suspension of train services between Ulm and Augsburg.

In Ulm, the Technical Relief Organization (THW) is working to fill 30,000 sandbags for the flood-affected and flood-threatened areas in both Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. According to Bernd Urban, head of the THW Logistics Center, they can fill about 400 sandbags every hour. Requests for them are being made from many areas of operation in the southwest and nearby regions.

The Bavarian Red Cross is sending water rescuers from Unterfranken to the aid mission in Swabia, where the districts of Günzburg are particularly affected by the floods. The water rescue teams, consisting of two boat and diving squads each, are expected to be deployed in Günzburg, as the Red Cross announced. Several bodies of water have reached the 100-year flood level, a flood that occurs or surpasses the statistical average of that period, in this district.

In Schwäbisch Gmünd, two wagons of an ICE train with 185 passengers derailed due to a landslide in the evening. The passengers, however, remained unharmed and were evacuated from the train. The first two carriages of the train came off the tracks around 23:20, but did not tip over. The landslide measured roughly 30 meters wide. The train's passengers are set to stay at a nearby kindergarten before being taken to Plöderhausen by bus.

A car was hit by a landslide in Schwäbisch Gmünd early this morning. The driver of the car remained uninjured. The landslide occurred at a location where the affected country road and the railway line were running parallel.

Neu-Ulm has surpassed its high water mark on the Danube and Iller rivers, but the extent of potential damage can't yet be determined by the city's administration. However, two streets, the Danube and Iller promenades, and the cycle paths along these rivers will remain closed for the time being.

The Munich Fire Department has issued a warning about the dangers at the Isar River bank due to flooding. Additionally, two popular walking paths along the river have been closed. The Isar River has reached flood level 2 in the city, which translates to flooding on non-built areas or traffic disruptions on roads.

23:23 Upper Bavaria: 670 people to be evacuated

Firefighters and rescue crews are getting ready to evacuate approximately 670 people in Schrobenhausen, Upper Bavaria. In Mühldorf and a road alongside the Weilach River, bulldozers and boats are being utilized, per the Neuburg-Schrobenhausen district administration. The district has set up an emergency hotline for citizens. The city had previously recognized a disaster scenario. The southern part of Upper Bavaria's district is particularly concerning, according to District Administrator Peter von der Grün.

23:03 A whole lot of fire department interventions in Eastern Thuringia

Aerial photos show flooded Meckenbeuren.

Due to heavy rain and abrupt thunderstorms, there are various fire department interventions taking place in Eastern Thuringia. This is what the Gera dispatch center is reporting. The surrounding area of Ronneburg in the Greiz district is particularly impacted. Numerous streets are flooded, along with fields and flooded cellars. In the Gera region, a tiny stream has also burst its banks.

22:45 Continuous rain in the south - no warning yet

The German Weather Service (DWD) mentions a slight improvement in the rain in the affected or possibly endangered regions in South Germany. A DWD meteorologist states that the persistent rain will diminish tonight. "The significant rainfall levels we experienced last night will not be repeated," he explains. However, new showers and thunderstorms from the north are coming, which could potentially intensify the risks of local flooding again on Sunday afternoon. These showers could be strong and persist for a while. "If they hit the already saturated ground, there will be flooding again," states the meteorologist. The areas most at risk for the showers and thunderstorms on Sunday are the Swabian Alb, areas up north from it, and areas around Augsburg, Nuremberg, Bamberg, and Regensburg.

22:25 Disaster scenario also in Freising

The Freising municipality has declared a disaster situation due to overflowing rivers and streams. Particularly the Amper and Glonn rivers are in danger of showing record-breaking water levels, as per the district administration of the Upper Bavarian authority. The district anticipates a significant flood in the town of Hohenkammer, as well as in all other towns along the Amper. The inhabitants are advised to prepare for such a dramatic situation early on and, for instance, clear their basements. Ten Bavarian districts have now declared a disaster situation.

21:50 Dillingen district declares disaster scenario

Thanks to unrelenting rainfall, the Dillingen district in Bavaria has now declared a disaster scenario. The situation at the Zusam River, a tributary of the Danube, has deteriorated in the evening, according to the authority. The crisis team in Dillingen has requested assistance from the Bundeswehr. Experts expect a 100-year flood on the small river, which could impact the nearby towns of Buttenwiesen and Wertingen. While authorities are prepping to release water from the swollen Danube into the Riedstrom, a former natural spillway of the river, the district administration urges local farmers to safeguard their livestock in secured barns.

21:09 Eighth municipality in Bavaria declares disaster scenario

The Landkreis Neuburg-Schrobenhausen has declared a disaster scenario in Bavaria due to the swelling Danube and its tributaries. The district administration of the Upper Bavarian municipality informs that a level 4 at the Neuburg gauge is expected for the night. The situation at the Paar, one of the Danube's tributaries, and at the Weilach River, which flows into the Paar, is considerably more severe. In the Schrobenhausen district of Mühlried, the Weilach has already overflowed and inundated a residential area. Rescue services are arranging to transport residents out of the inundated area, as reported by Landrat Peter von der Grün. The situation is particularly alarming in the southern part of the district. Von der Grün emphasized that the protection of roads, bridges, and other infrastructure is a top priority. "This enables the fire department to continue performing duties."

20:34 Life-threatening circumstance: Red Cross rescues people from roof of house using a helicopter

The Bavarian Red Cross (BRK) has rescued two individuals from the roof of their house in Babenhausen by helicopter. The two were in a life-threatening position, says a BRK spokesperson. Their home in the Unterallgäu district faced the risk of collapsing due to the sheer weight of the water masses. Other people were also extracted from their homes using inflatable boats. The rescue squads saved well over 100 people - including a lot of children.

20:13 People in several locations close to Augsburg are asked to leave their homes

Water rescuers in Augsburg also had to extricate people from their automobiles, whom they couldn't open the doors of on their own due to the pressure of the water masses. The situation could swiftly turn life-threatening due to the water's speed and the rising water in their cars, the spokesperson carried on.

In certain towns of the Augsburg district, residents are being asked to vacate their homes due to the escalating flood situation. The situation is anticipated to worsen in the district's northern region later today, according to a spokesperson for the Augsburg district administration. The following areas are affected: Batzenhofen, Gablingen, Langweid, Eisenbrechtshofen, Biberbach, Allmannshofen, and the entire municipality of Nordendorf. The Swabian government has established a temporary shelter at the Augsburg fairgrounds.

7:48 PM Bundeswehr intervenes in flood-affected regions in Bavaria

Bundeswehr soldiers are actively combating the floods in Bavaria. "The Bundeswehr is aiding the Günzburg and Aichach-Friedberg districts, who have both made official requests," says a spokesperson for the Bavarian Bundeswehr command to Antenne Bayern. "In Günzburg, blankets and sleeping bags are being given out. In the Aichach-Friedberg district, about 50 Bundeswehr personnel and troops will join as "helping hands" over the next few hours. Two Bundeswehr vehicles are also being used there."

The helpers manage 400 bags per hour.

7:20 PM Faeser pledges additional assistance

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser vows to provide more support to the southern German regions stricken by the flooding. "Due to the severe, persistent rain and impending floods, the THW is set to deploy additional personnel," states the SPD politician in Berlin, referring to the Technischer Hilfsdienst (THW). "We will continue to provide aid to the affected states with all available resources." Currently, there are 520 THW helpers and volunteers in action, Faeser says. They are rescuing individuals, reinforcing dikes, and pumping out water. Faeser also thanked everyone involved in the flood-relief efforts: "I would like to thank everyone who is currently battling the water masses and is working tirelessly to save lives." Faeser also urged people in the flooded areas of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg to pay close attention to the alerts and instructions of the authorities. "Take these warnings seriously!"

18:58 29 climbers saved at Zugspitze

The climbers in distress atop the Zugspitze (see Liveticker entry at 3:15 PM) have been rescued. 29 individuals were guided by the mountain rescue service to the Gletscherrestaurant Sonnalpin at the Zugspitzplatt. Multiple groups sent out distress signals. They were unable to proceed any further due to the harsh weather and freshly fallen snow at about 2,500 meters above sea level, some 900 meters before the Sonnalpin. The mountain rescue service was dispatched. Mountain rescue personnel stationed at the Zugspitzbahn were also on their way with snow plows to locate the climbers.

18:42 Extreme weather warning for sections of Brandenburg

The German Weather Service (DWD) has released a warning for portions of Brandenburg concerning the dangers of severe thunderstorms. For the districts of Dahme-Spreewald, Märkisch-Oderland and Oder-Spree, the second highest warning level is in place until evening. There could potentially be lightning strikes, falling trees or power lines, falling objects, rapid flooding of roads, landslides, or hail.

18:11 Flooding on the motorway - A3 partially closed

The A3 motorway in Bavaria near Regensburg is closed for approximately ten kilometers between the junctions of Parsberg and Beratzhausen in both directions. The road is submerged, notes the police presidium of Upper Palatinate. "The water has inundated the fields and is pushing onto the motorway," explains a spokesperson. According to the traffic police in Regensburg, the motorway maintenance, fire department, and police are on-site. The traffic will be re-routed, states a spokesperson.

17:51 Prison in Memmingen evacuated

The Memmingen prison in Bavaria is being vacated due to the flood threat. This is reported by the news agency Nonstopnews. The up to 150 prisoners are being temporarily relocated to Landsberg, Kempten, and Augsburg. The Memminger Ach, a small river that is now racing rapidly and threatens to flood the prison, is located right in front of it. Parts of the grounds are already flooded. This could lead to the power supply failing, so the prison administration opted for the evacuation. The police arrived with numerous emergency vehicles to orchestrate the evacuation. The evacuation took place across flooded streets in the end, as the approach itself had already flooded. The fire department was also present with pumps to remove the water from the prison.

The constant downpour in Swabia is causing water levels to climb at various gauges, according to the flood warning service. Rivers are expanding in Bavaria and the Upper Palatinate. Stations in Neu-Ulm Bad Held (Danube), Hasberg (Mindel), Fleinhausen (Zusam), Fischach (Schmutter), and Dasing (Paar) have already reached level 4. It's expected that the gauge in Regen, Upper Palatinate, will also reach level 4. Centennial floods are hinted at by gauges in Nattenhausen (Günz) and Dasing (Paar).

The Pegel Wiblingen (Iller) is projected to hit its peak in Meldestufe 3 on Saturday to Sunday. In the upper Iller, water levels are diminishing. Some gauges in the northern Donau tributaries Wörnitz, Sulzach, Altmühl, Schwarze Laber, and Naab have minor overflows (level 1 and 2) with an ongoing incline. Between Neu-Ulm and Kelheim, water levels are predicted to rise to Meldestufe 3 throughout the day, for instance in Günzburg, Donauwörth, and Neuburg. The Pegel Kelheim should rise later on. Along the Donau course towards Passau, upgrades to Meldestufen 1 and 2 are expected.

3:42pm Airports operations at Munich remain normal in spite of the rain

Notwithstanding the constant rain in many Bavarian spots, flight operations at Munich Airport are able to proceed as usual. No flights have reportedly been canceled. The airport is placed slightly higher and the runways are slanted towards the sides, allowing for water to run off. Additionally, the runways possess "grooves" that accelerate water runoff. Consequently, no current threat of aquaplaning exists. The airport anticipates no major issues during the remainder of the weekend.

3:19pm Söder: "This is when things are truly kicking off"

Bavaria's Minister President Markus Söder is touring the particularly hard-hit Swabia area. During his visit to Diedorf in the Augsburg district, he thanked the emergency services and local authorities. "Bavaria is crisis-tested," he affirmed in the presence of Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann. "This situation is extremely burdensome for the citizens." He emphasized, "This is not yet over. This is when things are truly kicking off." In an attempt to acquire resources for Swabia, he mentioned, "We are gathering resources like sandbags." Söder lauded the contributions of the rescue services such as the fire department, Bavarian Red Cross, police, and Technical Relief Organization. He urged citizens: "Please adhere to the rules." Evacuation orders must be obeyed, and no more attempts to escape the cellar or take the car out of the garage.

2:55pm No more trains in this area

The storms and floods in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria are also affecting train travel. According to Deutsche Bahn, there are disruptions and train failures in southern Germany. A spokesperson revealed that two ICE lines are particularly impacted. No trains will be functioning all day on Saturday between Munich, Bregenz, and Zurich due to the feverish rain. The line between Ulm and Augsburg is also affected. More information regarding track closures, failures, and delays can be found on the Bahn's website.

2:38pm Emergency call network lapses in Unterallgäu

The storms and floods in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria also influence the train services. According to Deutsche Bahn, there are disruptions and train failures in South Germany. A spokeswoman claimed that two ICE tracks are significantly affected. There are no trains slated to run all day on Saturday between Munich, Bregenz, and Zurich due to the overwhelming rain. The track between Ulm and Augsburg is also impacted. Additional information on track closures, failures, and delays can be found on the Bahn's website.

2:18pm Aid force of 400 members in South Germany

In the realm of the storms in South Germany, 400 members of the Technical Relief Organization are currently in action. The Technical Relief Organization in Bonn states. They are removing water, reinforcing dams, and extricating people proactively. "Since the persisting and sometimes heavy continuous rain, the Technical Relief Organization is prepared to deploy additional Technical Relief Organization forces for targeted deployment," it says. Mobile flood gauges will be deployed and monitored in the affected regions. "The Technical Relief Organization is prepared to dispatch more Technical Relief Organization forces in the event of further weather warnings and imminent floods." Each crew consists of around 40 technical relief workers who oversee three sewage pumps, a power generator, an exploration vehicle, and a command post. These relief groups can pump approximately 30,000 liters of water per minute.

2:04pm Residents in need should show a white sheet outside

The disaster situation now encompasses the Bavarian district of Unterallgäu. In Babenhausen, part of the phone network has ceased to function. Residents in need of help who cannot make an emergency call should display a white sheet or cloth from their window to garner attention. In Babenhausen, individuals are being rescued from their homes using inflatable boats.

Here's a version of the given story with different words:

This image showcases the latest flood alerts. It gets updated often.

5:15 PM Update: A hefty group of 26 mountain climbers is believed to be stranded on Zugspitze, around a few hundred meters short of the peak. German radio station BR reports that a whopping 60 centimeters of fresh snow has fallen on Zugspitze in the recent hours, while it's pouring cats and dogs down in the valley. The temperatures are bottoming out, while the view isn't much better: only about 100 meters. Multiple rescue teams have been mobilized to locate the climbers in this snowstorm, according to BR, citing Garmisch-Partenkirchen Mountain Rescue Service. The climbers appear worn out and may not have the right gear. It's unclear as to why they attempted to conquer Zugspitze given the forecast.

2:52 PM: Donau-Ries District issues disaster orders

At Donau-Ries District in Bavaria, the disaster declaration has been given the green light. The purpose is "to mobilize all available resources and to prepare for the anticipated height of the water," explained District Administrator Stefan Roßle in a statement. "It's crucial to remain calm and stay clear of low-lying areas at the moment," Roßle adds.

2:20 PM: Dam breach near Augsburg - Evacuation looming

A dam and a levy have let go in the Augsburg region. The district government reports this. Citizens of some streets in the town of Diedorf need to abandon their homes. The preparations for the evacuation of Diedorf's Anhausen area are underway. "It's no longer safe to move to upper floors," the Augsburg district government states. A dam has given way in Burgwalden, while a levy in Anhauser Weiher has caved in. All inhabitants of the affected areas are advised to leave their residences within the next hour and go to the Diedorf Schmuttertalhalle. The authorities call for people to steer clear of railway underpasses. Floods could gather there, posing a risk to one's life.

Söder and Herrmann head out to the flood site

Babenhausen residents are rescued with rubber dinghies.

Bavarian State President, Markus Söder, along with Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann, are traveling to the Augsburg area affected by floods this Saturday. The CSU duo want to first-hand see the flood situation in Diedorf, as mentioned by the Interior Ministry. District Chairman Martin Sailer is tagging along. The visit location got a last-minute adjustment due to the evolving scenario. The political duo from CSU earlier planned to visit the flood-hit Fischach. In Diedorf, the evacuation is now being organized. The flood conditions are particularly concerning in Swabia. Besides the Günzburg district, the Augsburg and Aichach-Friedberg districts have also enacted a disaster situation.

Meckenbeuren's flood situation remains uneasy. The water level on the Schussen river in Meckenbeuren in the Bodenseekreis is still rising. The spokeswoman of the town stated the level at 4.72 meters in the afternoon. It's hoped the crest will arrive shortly. The river reached 4.50 meters during the 2021 flood. Normally, the river keeps just 45 centimeters of water. Back on Friday evening, Meckenbeuren recommended around 1300 people to leave their dwellings as a preventive measure. The majority went to stay with loved ones, whilst a scant few depended on the emergency shelter. To dodge the possibility of damage from flooding, schools, kindergartens, and halls were hastily emptied ahead of time. In this municipality of 14,000 people, bridges were also shut down as an extra precaution.

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