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A 18-year-old man is alleged to have murdered someone at Uelzen train station.

A 55-year-old dies in the train station building - a young man is suspected of pushing him down the stairs. The suspect was only released from police custody a few hours ago.

A 55-year-old dies at Uelzen train station after collision or push (archive image)
A 55-year-old dies at Uelzen train station after collision or push (archive image)

Criminality - A 18-year-old man is alleged to have murdered someone at Uelzen train station.

A 55-year-old man became a victim of an act of violence at Uelzen train station in Lower Saxony. A 18-year-old was arrested last night, who is suspected of pushing or kicking the 55-year-old man, causing him to fall several steps down a staircase. The man from Lüneburg suffered a skull-brain injury and died despite immediate resuscitation efforts at the scene.

The alleged perpetrator fled, as witnesses observed, and was later apprehended by Federal Police in the vicinity of the train station. According to a police spokesperson, he is a young Moroccan man who lived in an asylum seekers' accommodation in Uelzen. Charges of manslaughter are being investigated against the 18-year-old. He is expected to be presented before a magistrate court tomorrow.

According to initial investigations, the alleged perpetrator and the 55-year-old man did not know each other prior to the incident. It is unclear whether a dispute preceded the fall down the stairs. Criminal police investigations at the scene began in the night. In coordination with the Lüneburg Public Prosecutor's Office and a duty judge, a blood sample was taken from the 18-year-old. The police spokesperson stated that he might have been under the influence of drugs.

The young man had been released from police custody less than five hours before the 55-year-old man's death. Yesterday, he had been noticed in the afternoon and evening for a handbag theft and a bodily harm offence at the Uelzen Central Bus Station. In this case, the officers are investigating for simple bodily harm.

The police custody to prevent further criminal acts was terminated, explained the police spokesperson, after all business had been closed. Generally, people must be released from police custody at the latest after 24 hours, unless they are taken before a judge for criminal offenses.

The incident of violence at the Uelzen train station in Lower Saxony led to a skull-brain trauma for the 55-year-old victim from Lüneburg. The police arrested a suspect, a young Moroccan man, in the area of the train station, who is accused of pushing or kicking the victim. Despite immediate resuscitation efforts, the victim unfortunately passed away. The police are investigating manslaughter charges against the young man, who had been released from police custody just hours before the incident, and is now expected in court.

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