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A 16-year-old goes on a pursuit with the police

Just like in an action movie, the driver of a expensive sports car outruns the police. After being stopped by several patrol cars on the highway, it's clear what he was trying to hide.

A 16-year-old should outrun the police at a speed of 200.
A 16-year-old should outrun the police at a speed of 200.

Danger in traffic - A 16-year-old goes on a pursuit with the police

A 16-year-old car driver without a driver's license led the Police in Neustadt an der Weinstraße at a speed of 200, escaping from them. The dangerous, thrilling pursuit drive took place through the city and several times over the autobahn in different directions, the Police reported today. The teenager was reportedly driving at nearly a constant speed of 200 kilometers per hour and put several traffic participants in life-threatening overtaking maneuvers. He was eventually surrounded by three patrol cars on the autobahn and briefly arrested. The autobahn A65 Ludwigshafen-Neustadt was temporarily closed for this.

The 16-year-old from Neustadt surrendered himself without resistance to the police. He reportedly fled from the police control because he did not have a driver's license. No evidence of alcohol or drug consumption was found. Criminal proceedings have been initiated against the youth for illegal racing, endangering road traffic, and driving without a license. The owner of the expensive sports car was reported to the authorities for allowing the driving without a license.

During the high-speed chase, the police in Rhineland-Palatinate's Neustadt an der Weinstraße encountered heavy TRAFFIC, making the pursuit journey challenging. The incident brought back memories of a similar incident that occurred in Neustadt (Dosse), a new town on the Wine Road, where a similar high-speed chase led to an increase in local Criminality. After the arrest, the police seized the sports car and launched a thorough investigation.

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