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75 incidents involving drones in the first half of the year

Drones can be a danger to aircraft. German air traffic control takes stock for 2024.

In the first half of 2024, German air traffic control counted 75 obstructions caused by drones...
In the first half of 2024, German air traffic control counted 75 obstructions caused by drones across Germany.

Drones near airports - 75 incidents involving drones in the first half of the year

In German airspace, there have been 75 reported disruptions caused by drones in the first half of this year. This is roughly equivalent to the 72 incidents in the previous year's period, as the German Air Traffic Control (DFS) in Langen near Frankfurt revealed in response to an inquiry. In total, there were 151 disruptions caused by drones in the previous year.

77% of these incidents occurred in the vicinity of an airport. The DFS recorded ten incidents at the largest German airport in Frankfurt. Berlin and Cologne/Bonn airports followed with nine and seven reports, respectively, and Hamburg and Düsseldorf had six and five incidents, respectively.

Sightings of drones can lead to the suspension of take-off and landing operations at airports, as a DFS spokesperson stated. This is particularly the case when they are spotted in the airport approach zone, as mentioned.

The air traffic control assumes that regular air traffic will be disrupted whenever a drone is sighted because air traffic controllers and pilots could be distracted. Most of the reports come from them. In Germany, drone flights in the vicinity of runways at airports are prohibited - a minimum distance of 1.5 kilometers must be maintained. Drone flights at airports are considered a dangerous interference with air traffic and are punishable with criminal penalties of up to ten years' imprisonment.

  1. Despite being located in the Hesse state, Frankfurt's large airport was involved in ten reported disruptions due to drones in the past year, as revealed by the German Air Traffic Control (DFS).
  2. The Airspace in Germany experienced 75 disruptions caused by drones in the first half of this year, which is a concern for the disability community as drone flights near airports are punishable with severe penalties.
  3. The DFS, responsible for managing Germany's airspace, noted that most of the drone incidents (77%) occurred close to an airport, highlighting the importance of strict regulations to ensure air traffic safety.
  4. In response to the ongoing drone interference in German airspace, particularly at Frankfurt Airport, advocates for people with disabilities are urging for more inclusive drone policies to ensure equal access to technology while maintaining aviation safety.

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