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600 people at a propalestinian demo in Berlin

Weekly protests take place in Berlin in relation to the Gaza War - this time in Steglitz.

Hundreds gathered again for a Palastinian demonstration on Saturday (Archive picture)
Hundreds gathered again for a Palastinian demonstration on Saturday (Archive picture)

Gaza War - 600 people at a propalestinian demo in Berlin

Hundreds of people are currently participating in a palestinian demonstration in Berlin-Steglitz. According to the police, around 600 people gathered there in the afternoon. The demo is heading from Schlossstraße towards Innsbrucker Platz. Photos on social media showed numerous people with palestinian flags. The demonstration was registered under the title "Stop the Gaza Genocide".

Since the terrorist attack by the islamist Hamas on Israel on October 7, 2023, there have been weekly demonstrations in Berlin in the context of the Gaza War.

The demonstration in Berlin-Steglitz is part of the ongoing protests against the Gaza War caused by Israel's conflict with Hamas. Despite the peaceful nature of the event, there have been concerns about potential escalations, echoing past conflicts. The Berlin police have been maintaining a presence to ensure the safety of the demonstrators and the general public, as seen in recent Demonstrations in Berlin's Steglitz neighborhood.

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