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470,000 Euros approved for flooding aid for private individuals

Those who have been put in a critical situation by the flooding in Lower Saxony will receive financial aid from the state. However, more applications have been rejected than approved so far.

The flooding at New Year's Eve kept emergency services and residents on edge for weeks.
The flooding at New Year's Eve kept emergency services and residents on edge for weeks.

Christmas flood - 470,000 Euros approved for flooding aid for private individuals

The federal state of Lower Saxony has so far approved around 470,000 Euro in emergency aid for private individuals due to the flood at the turn of the year. This money is distributed among 368 applications, as the Environment Ministry in Hanover announced on June 20. 367 more applications were still being processed at that time. 526 applications were rejected. The emergency aid, in addition, allowed tenants and property owners to apply for support in repairing residential buildings and renewing household goods. According to the Economic Ministry, 21 applications with a damage sum of approximately 300,000 Euro have been submitted for this. Nine applications for flood aid for businesses with a damage sum of around two million Euro have been filed.

In the federal state of Bremen, which was also affected by the flood, a total of 57 applications for emergency aid from private individuals had been submitted by the deadline on May 1. Of these, 39 were approved and 18 were rejected. According to the Bremen State Chancellery, approximately 118,000 Euro were paid out. The most common reason for rejection was that rising groundwater caused the damage.

  1. The city of Hannover, located in Lower Saxony, is one of the areas significantly impacted by the year-end flood.
  2. The Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) has been providing immediate help and support to affected regions, including Lower Saxony and Bremen.
  3. Despite the Christmastime flood, many residents in Bremen managed to celebrate a relatively normal Year-end, thanks to the emergency aid they received.
  4. The aftermath of the flood in Hannover and other parts of Lower Saxony is expected to result in substantial repair and renewal costs for residential buildings and household goods, necessitating further aid from the BMU.

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