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42-year-old allegedly killed sister and father

A man reports to the police and says he has killed two people. According to the police, they are two direct relatives.

Two people have been killed in Wiesbaden. The police have arrested a suspect.
Two people have been killed in Wiesbaden. The police have arrested a suspect.

Wiesbaden - 42-year-old allegedly killed sister and father

In Wiesbaden, a 42-year-old man is suspected to have killed his sister and father. The suspect reported himself to the police on Tuesday, according to a police spokesperson. This allegedly happened around 6 p.m. on Monday. On the scene, he surrendered himself without resistance.

According to reports, the bodies of a 45-year-old woman and a 75-year-old man were found in the multi-family house. The deceased were identified as the sister and father of the arrested man. All three were reportedly registered at the crime scene address. The background of the crime is still unclear, the spokesperson added.

The 42-year-old suspect is expected to be presented to the magistrate on Tuesday. The crime scene in the district of Kohlheck was cordoned off by the police, with experts present for forensic investigations. Previously, other media reported on the incident.

The incident occurred in the city of Wiesbaden, which is located in the state of Hesse, Germany. The local police are actively investigating the crime, given that the suspect, a 42-year-old man, confessed to killing his sister and father.

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